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How do you get rid of acne without buying expensive products

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Talk to a pharmacist before buying a product. Cheap products may be as helpful as more expensive ones. But, always consult a doctor about what route you should take to control acne. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-do-you-get-rid-of-acne-without-buying-expensive-products ]
More Answers to “How do you get rid of acne without buying expensive products
What is a good way to get rid of acne without buying expensive pr…?
Egg Whites: Another common and powerful method is that of egg whites. Egg whites, which are very rich in protein, can be (More?)
How can I get rid of my acne without having to buy expensive prod…?
Banish Those Pimples Treatment 1Egg beaten 1Teaspoon fresh lemon juice 3Tablespoons fresh mint leaves washed and chopped 1/2Cup plain yoghurt beaten 1. Mix the first 3 ingredients together in a small dish and then into your scalp. 2. While …
How can i get rid of acne without having to buy proactiv or any o…?
I use the Oil Free Acne Cleanser with Microclear Technology by Neutrogena. It’s in an Orange bottle. Make sure it says “With Microclear Technology” on it. It’s no more than 9$ at Target. And always moisturize your skin if it feels…

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Q: I don’t have acne, it’s like when you feel my face.. it’s all bumpy!! how can i get rid of those bumps without spending my money???please and ty-s2Lemonade
A: bumpy like you have pimples? or are they some other kind of bumps? If its pimples you just need to remember to keep your face clean! If your a teenager the pimples are pretty normal, and will begin to clear as you get older. Wash your face in the AM and PM, avoid touching it because your hands collect dirt and germs during the day and this just goes on your face. Use a soap made specifically for your face, don’t use the same everyday soap. Try something like Clean and Clear or Clearasil.
how can i get clear skin without buying expensive products?
Q: okay i’m 15 and i’m breaking out really bad like on the side of my face and i have a few scars. it’s working down to my chin (kind of). and then i have these bumps on my forhead and cheeks but they’re not pimples they’re just there and you can only see them in the sun. how do i get rid of them with out using expensive cleansers? i just want clear skin with out using powder bc its the only reason why i have to were makeup bc of my acne. i want my skin to be better by the time that school starts.i need help please?!
A: Lemon is great for scars.My sister uses oatmeal on her face to clear up her acne. For the oatmeal, you blend a little of it. Then add enough water to it to make it paste like. Then spread it where the acne is. It hardens and creates a mask. Leave it on for 10 minutes and then wash it off.
How to get rid of acne? Plz someone answer?
Q: How do i get rid of pimples in less than 9 weeks without buying expensive products? PLZ SOMEONE HELP, REMEMBER BEST ANSWERING EXPLAINING HOW I COULD GET RID OF PIMPLES WILL GET 10 POINTS. No proactive hasnt worked for me, if you were going to say that.
A: Try going a completely Gluten Free diet. It is dermatolicially proven to take away acne 🙂 There are SO many gluten free products now, I know in Australia especially. I have been gluten free for about 2 years now due to really bad dermatitis herptaformis (basically a really bad pimple, acne rash) on my arms. Took it away completely! There’s GF breads, wraps, flour, everything! When you cook with GF flour it tastes EXACTLY the same. And the chocolate cakes tasted better, hehe. Go on it ASAP and I can guarantee your acne will go down, if not away. good luck.
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