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How do you get rid me a cold really fast? How do you get rid of a cold fast

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you get rid me a cold really fast? How do you get rid of a cold fast”,you can compare them.

1. Drink Plenty of Fluids 2. Watch What You Eat 3. Get Plenty of Rest 4. Gargle 5. Wash Your Hands Often. Also, try taking Zinc. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-do-you-get-rid-me-a-cold-really-fast%3F-how-do-you-get-rid-of-a-cold-fast ]
More Answers to “How do you get rid me a cold really fast? How do you get rid of a cold fast
How do you get rid me a cold really fast? How do you get rid of a…?
1. Drink Plenty of Fluids 2. Watch What You Eat 3. Get Plenty of Rest 4. Gargle 5. Wash Your Hands Often. Also, try taking Zinc.
How to get rid of cold really fast?
My friend SWEARS by Alkaseltzer Cold and Flu. Non-drowsy, orange flavor. (I tried it- it’s not horrible.) She takes it like clock work, drinks OJ and takes that mucinex. There’s no cure for the common cold, but it helps to knock it out of y…
How to get rid of a cold sore really fast?
Cold soars are a form of herpes simplex virus. Viruses need to work their coarse. I suggest olive oil, prayer to God Almighty with two elders praying with you. You would be amazed at the power of Christ and this is not to be taken as a joke…

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A: put 1/2 a teaspoon of salt in 8 oz of water.and rinse it in your mouthi tried it and dulls the pain and makes it go away faster
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A: Hot milk and honey 😉
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