Will my man get me pregnant

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Will my man get me pregnant”,you can compare them.

Women are the most likely to get pregnant in the middle of their cycle which is about 12 to 14 days after her last period. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/will-my-man-get-me-pregnant ]
More Answers to “Will my man get me pregnant
Will my man get me pregnant
Women are the most likely to get pregnant in the middle of their cycle which is about 12 to 14 days after her last period. ChaCha!
Can a woman get pregnant when the man pulls out?
There is no fail safe birth control besides not having sex at all, even if the man pulls out it is still possible to get pregnant. The man lets out small amounts of sperm even before the main ejaculation so just because he pulls out doesn’t…
How to Get Pregnant Without a Man
・ 1 Visit your doctor to discuss your desire to get pregnant without a man. Your physician can check for… ・ 2 Locate a sperm donor. You may have a male friend who has agreed to contribute sperm for your pregnancy… ・ 3 Coordinate a time …

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A: Yes he will actually this can trigger an intense reaction in the mind creating the spark of life…. however there is only a 1% chance of this happening so dont worry about it.
I am 6 mnths pregnant by a married man… will he ever want to see his son??
Q: Sadly just a relationship of convenience at first (affair about a year long) but I became emotionally attached right when he was thinking of ending it. They just started trying to start a family (which I didnt know) right around the time I got pregnant so everything is a mess. He wanted me to have an abortion & I would never do that. At this point we’ve already gone to court to handle child support&custody. He at least hasn’t thrown me down in that manner but says says his wife is willing to at least try to work things out btwn them under the terms that he has NOTHING to do w/me or his own child,that would be a “slap in her face” so when we went to mediation he gave all custody to me & says he wants no visitation cuz hes not willing to jeopardize his marriage& I just think that isnt right because I dont feel it is about me, I just feel my son has right to know his father. Also she had an affair 1st & her defense now is “Mine was a 1nite stand, yours is like going & loving someone else”
A: If this man has committed to his marriage, then he is doing the right thing in ending contact with YOU. He doesn’t have a relationship with you. Your right, this isn’t about YOU. Any obligation he has it to the child and the child alone. Offer to make arrangements for visitation through a third party, so he is not breaking his promise to his wife to end his affair. You knew he was married. You know a lot about his family. You took a risk getting pregnant that he would NOT leave his wife. His wife isn’t forcing him to make that choice, it is his alone. He is doing what is necessary to rebuild his marriage.
If you had an std and become pregnant . . . Will the Doctor?
Q: My friend Elaine had an std a while ago ok and she is just now finding out she is pregnant . She got it taken care of with medication but she is just nervous about going to the doctors because she doesn’t know if she has to tell them because it was a while ago and she is std free ! I told her they will do another check up just to be safe and not to worry its ok. But she is worried that her man will find out she didn’t tell him this was before they met, I told her to tell him and be honest but she wont . so will the doctor or nurse say that she had an std or bring it up at any of her check ups because if so she doest want to bring her bf but i think its very selfish of her not to include him in the doctor visits . Can she just tell them not to ever bring it up or what ? She doesnt want him to know but i think since it was in the past it should be ok . but now that time has gone by its too late to make it right and she might loose him. Does anybody ever get away with never having to tell there partner about a std that was treated and cured ?
A: At her 1st appointment she’ll have some alone time with the doctor before daddy comes in. I was told it’s so I can let them know about abuse, past abortions he may not know about, things like that. I know plenty of women who had past STD’s and healthy babies, but usually their partners know. Your friend needs to tell her dr, he’s there to help and everything is confidential.
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