Who was mary magdelene

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Gnostic traditions about Mary Magdalene holds that she was the wife of Jesus and pregnant with his child at the time of his death. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/who-was-mary-magdelene ]
More Answers to “Who was mary magdelene
Who was mary magdelene
Gnostic traditions about Mary Magdalene holds that she was the wife of Jesus and pregnant with his child at the time of his death.
Can Mary Magdelene be my patron saint?
Yes. Mary Magdalen is a wonderful saint. Saint Mary Magdalene was the first witness to the resurrection of Jesus. (See the 20th Chapter of the Gospel of John). She was one of Jesus’ followers during his ministry, and was present at the cros…
What is a good book on Mary Magdelene?
here is a good place to start by reading this Mary Magdalene was a woman from whom Jesus cast out seven demons (Luke 8:2). The name Magdalene likely indicates that she came from Magdala, a city on the southwest coast of the Sea of Galilee. …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

who is Mary Magdelene in the Bible?
Q: I am learning about the bible more and more and would like to know these things:Who was Mary Magdelene? Name the most significant people in the bible and what thier roles were and if you provide me with enough easy and clear information then i will award you with best answer :)thank you 🙂
A: Mary Magdelene was a woman possessed with 7 demons. Jesus cast them out and healed her (Mark 16:9 makes mention of this)Significant people:Abraham – obeyed God and was a righteous man. God made covenant with Him that He would be father of many nationsNoah – believed and obeyed God and was saved from the floodMoses – believed and obeyed God and was used to deliver the Israelites from captivityDavid- Man after God’s own heart. Believed God would deliver him and went up against the giantJoseph – Blessed by God even during captivityDaniel – Blessed by God even during captivity and delivered from the Lion’s denMary – found favor with God and used to carry JesusAll of Jesus disciples – left their lives to follow himPaul – life was changed radically, went from killing Christians to being one of the most outspoken of ChristiansI’m sure there are many more but these were off the top of my head.
Who was Mary Magdelene and what significance was she in the Holy Bible?
A: In the New Testament she is mentioned among the women who accompanied Christ and ministered to Him (Luke 8:2-3), where it is also said that seven devils had been cast out of her (Mark 16:9). She is next named as standing at the foot of the cross (Mark 15:40; Matthew 27:56; John 19:25; Luke 23:49). She saw Christ laid in the tomb, and she was the first recorded witness of the Resurrection.
Who thinks Mary Magdelene was the women at the well??
Q: Show me where you found it at..
A: I don’t think there’s any evidence supporting that. It’s been speculated that she was the woman at the well, the woman who washed Jesus’s feet, or the woman who had the demons in her. However, she is not mentioned by name until the crusifix (and that depends on which Gospel you read. In some, she’s still just “woman”)
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