When is the earliest pregnancy can be detected

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For most women, it may be possible to determine whether you are pregnant as early as 7-10 days after conception. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-is-the-earliest-pregnancy-can-be-detected ]
More Answers to “When is the earliest pregnancy can be detected
What’s the earliest a pregnancy can be detected??
For most women, it may be possible to determine whether you are pregnant as early as 7-10 days after conception. However, the time required depends greatly on the type of pregnancy test being used, as well as your own individual physiology….
How early can a pregnancy be detected with a blood test??
My doctor wants to put me on a certain medication that has an unknown effect on a fetus. Since there is a good chance that I could be pregnant this month, she did a blood pregnancy test first to rule out a pregnancy- the results will be a…
What is the earliest time a pregnancy be detected and when can a …?
If a woman has cycles that are NOT 28 days, then this information will not be accurate. Generally speaking, a positive on a home pregnancy test can appear up to five days before you MISS your period, so that would be FOUR days before your…

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Q: I had my period on Dec 2-7. I detected my first LH surge on Dec 19. I had sex many times during my “fertile” days. When is the earliest I can take a home pregnancy test to detect early pregnancy hormones? I’m really really eager to find out and I’m having a hard time just waiting. Is there any other way to know?
A: you should perform a test after 4 wks of ur last menstural period
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Q: i been trying to get pregnant for about a month now. and my last period was 3 days late and when i did get it, it was short. and latey i been having pregnancy symptoms not just a few but most of them and i sense that i might be pregnant even tho i took a early pregnancy home test and it says that i’m not pregnant. my next period is a week and a half away but if i’m have signs of pregnancy can it be detected?
A: check out www.peeonastick.comit has all the info you need on home pregnancy tests, when to test, types of tests, everything!good luck!
when is the earliest to test for pregnancy with this test?
Q: When is the earliest I can take a pregnancy test. my LMP was Jan. 25th. I have cycles every 28 days. I ordered these two early pregnancy tests and they say I can test 6-8 days after conception. ( i conceived on Feb 9th). I wonder is those tests can detect that early… hhmm..?
A: I’d say that the earliest they will actually be 100% accurate would be on or close to February 22nd. The tests that claim they will show that early usually also say that they are only accurate 15% of the time when taken that early.
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