What should I do if I am trying to get pregnant

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There are many things that you can do while trying to have a baby here are a few: Fuel up on folic acid,Give that cup of joe.more? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-should-i-do-if-i-am-trying-to-get-pregnant ]
More Answers to “What should I do if I am trying to get pregnant
What to do when trying to get pregnant?
Well it is a good thing you went to your doctor to have tests done. This can really help to alleviate stress while trying to have a baby. Stress can play a huge factor on when you conceive. My guess is that it is too soon to be ovulating. A…
When is the best time to try and get pregnant?
The only day you get can pregnant is when you ovulate. The day you ovulate, your body releases the egg. The egg lives a maxium of 24 hours. However, sperm can live up to five days in fertile cervical mucus but most live three days. Your fer…
I am trying to get pregnant and i need help! when do i ovulate??
Don’t panic! It’s only been a few months your baby just wants to pick their birthday. You sound pretty regular give it a year before you start to worry about problems. I’m sure everything is fine. Buy some ovulation testers if you want to b…

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My friend is acting really distant because I am pregnant, what should I do?
Q: I am 24 years old, 10 weeks pregnant! My best friend has been trying to get pregnant for a year. I was really surprised when I found out I was pregnant! Every since then, my friend who I am really close to is being so wierd. She hardly ever wants to talk and when we do, she acts all jelous. If I say ANYTHING about my pregnancy, she sounds mad! I don’t think she has a right to be like this, its pretty much ruining our friendship! Should I keep trying or what?
A: I think that it has less to do with you personally and more to do with the fact she is most likely distraught about her situation — experiencing infertility and watching those you care about get pregnant has to be difficult. I know a woman who has been trying for 4 years to get pregnant with 2 failed IVF cycles that whenever the word pregnancy occurs she gets very upset. Anger is an easier emotion to experience than sadness … and, often times sadness comes out as anger. I’m not sure about the dynamics of your relationship — but if this happened between my best friend and I, I would most likely talk to her about how she is feeling because it would be out of character for her … and, try to get to the bottom of her true feelings (not just the anger I’ve been seeing). I think with time she won’t be this way anymore — but, your pregnancy is still relatively new and I’m sure it is hard for her to deal with difficult getting pregnant. I’m sure it is very devastating.
If i am pregnant what should i feel and what are the sign i need to look for? been trying…?
Q: If i am what should i feel and what are the sign i need to look for? I had a bad stomach cramps the other day but no spotting. I have back minimal pains now and when i brush my teeth there blood. should there be any changes i need to look for?Am i going to get pregnant? we tried to do it on the 8th and 14th day after my period.?Had my af around 22nd and 23rd of may. Me and my partner did it on the 28th of may and june 4th. been trying for around three months. check my CM last 4th of june and it was really really slippery (WET like eggs). im sometimes irregular. 28 to 35 days. what are my chances of getting pregnant now?
A: Check out the early signs of pregnancy here.. good luck..
I am trying to get pregnant and what should I do about this. . .?????
Q: We have been trying to get pregnant for a while now and I think that I may be this month. I have been really tired and moody. I have really dry skin in some spots and acne in others. My breasts are really sore and I am really bloated. I have been getting slight dull cramps every once in a while. I normally dont ever experience anything like this. Also, I am 4 days late for my period. The thing is that I recently got a new job. It is really physically demanding. It is considered a mans job. I am the only woman that works in that department. It consists of lifting very heavy boxes and climbing 20 foot ladders. If I were pregnant I would be moved to another department with no problem. I know that physical activity is good during pregnancy but I know that my job is way too much. I took a pregnancy test 3 days ago and it was negative. I was told to wait a week and take another one. What do I do about my job until then?To the person who told me to live my life. . . I have lived my life to the fullest I could possibly do without a child. I want to become a mother. Dealing with a crying baby is not what raising a child is about. There are so many joys of parenthood you are leaving out. I couldnt imagin not being a mother in my life. I think that when you get older you will change your thinking.
A: If you are trying to get pregnant you should treat your body like it is already pregnant…which means if you are working a job that is not conducive to a pregnancy….you should already be looking for another department or job…also, make an appointment with a doc to have a blood test done.
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