What is good food to get rid of aches

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Ginger is a well known stomach settler, used by pregnant women for millenia. Cumin, Caraway & Dill are also helpful herbs for digestive issues. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-good-food-to-get-rid-of-aches ]
More Answers to “What is good food to get rid of aches
What is good food to get rid of aches
Ginger is a well known stomach settler, used by pregnant women for millenia. Cumin, Caraway & Dill are also helpful herbs for digestive issues.

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A: Hey Hun, Honestly, The only thing I can tell you is that it is different for everyone. And it depends on your bodies ability to fight back, gain strength, recover, and so on.. If your body works efficiently enough you will notice the changes in yourself, hopefully. It could take a very long time, seeming how your body only knows what it’s like to experience abuse, for a lack of a better term. Your body knows it needs something different and all these horrible symptoms your going through are a great sign because it’s showing you that your body is working it’s hardest to recover and if you stick with being healthy it will turn out for the best and give your body a chance to relax. SO just keep treating your self the best you possibly can and don’t expect anything just realize that your body is doing what God made it to do. You’ll just know when you are back to health.. Just keep listening to what your body is telling you, you need and so on. God Bless and it seems your doing great. :)Hope I helped
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