What if i want a baby and i want aids

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If you want Aids or have Aids or the HIV virus. You should not become pregnant as the virus will spread to the unborn child. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-if-i-want-a-baby-and-i-want-aids ]
More Answers to “What if i want a baby and i want aids
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want to have a normal baby ? i had a baby with hearing imparied?
Q: at 22 yrs i got married and had a baby girl who was born deaf now she wears hearing aids…i got married again in 27 yrs am 3 mths pregnant now done my karyotype and have paracentric inversion 21 which will lead to fetal losses..i am tensed now . i cry when i see by baby with aids…but really want a kid who will take care of her when am no more..hence want a normal baby now? will all the prenatal examinations be expensive? i have anthems insurnce.? do i have risk if i do aminosentensis? and really scared and worried too…i want this baby? what are the other options to find my baby is normal? i am scared to take all the treatments , its expenses and the effects on my pregnancy……
A: Amniocentesis is relatively low risk when done at around 15 weeks of pregnancy. Make sure the person who does the test has LOTS of experience performing it and a high success rate. As you are aware, there is always some risk of miscarriage/fetal death of a normal fetus with the procedure.lAsk your doctor in advance if it will screen for the specific genetic abnormality you are concerned about. However, I am sure there is no other way to tell for sure if your unborn baby has this defective gene. Even if your baby doesn’t have this defect, it might have another. There is no test in the world that can detect every problem before your baby is born.Call your insurer and ask whether the amnio will be covered. But before you schedule the test, ask yourself this, are you going to terminate the pregnancy if the baby has the defective gene? If you are not going to have an abortion, and you are going to carry this baby to term even if has the defective gene, then you may as well skip the amnio, because it is expensive and there is always some risk to the procedure. Just wait and see. Also, there is no guarantee that your youngest child will care for your deaf child after you are gone, regardless of whether or not he/she has normal hearing. Think about this. That’s not the only reason you want to have another child, right?
What is with the kid i just want the baby and kool aid so summer and dry heat if the kids are poky posy but..?
Q: the the baby cries for a living but danny wont apologize and frankly with the beans?
A: umm…hmmmm…
I want children, my wife didn’t?
Q: We’ve been married 17 years. My wife is 6 years older than me. Her third and my first marriage, and I was idealistic and naive. Before we married, we thoroughly discussed children, and (she said) she very much wanted children, and I did too. I thought we were trying, but eight years into our marriage, she tells me she’s fed up with taking responsibility for “our birth control”, she doesn’t want to be on the pill any longer, she’s made an appointment for me to have a vasectomy! Apparently, her best friend’s husband had just done “the responsible thing”. Her best friend and husband have three kids already.I told my wife no vasectomy, that I really wanted children. She went back to her Dr. for different birth control and they found she was sterile. She then began telling all of our friends that we were “trying so hard to get pregnant”.We’ve (I’ve) discussed adoption. Her response was “sure, as long as it’s an AIDS baby”. She just wasn’t serious. I’m plenty young enough with the energy and desire to have children. Everyone in my office has kids and they love them. Holidays like Father’s Day are sure tough.I love my wife but the resentment is eating me up. I thought it would eventually pass, but my desire for children is growing, and I know i’d make a great dad. It’s now affecting our relationship and there’s nothing my wife can do (or would if she could).What do you suggest?
A: I have never been married and I don’t have children. I can never get pregnant because of medical reasons. I can understand your feelings about wanting children. I hope to get married and adopt children in the future. The comment your wife made about having a child with AIDS is pretty bad. I believe marriage is a lifetime commitment and trying to have children was part of the agreement with your wife. It sounds like your wife is selfish and she will never want to adopt. If you want children you’ll probably have to get divorced and marry someone else.I don’t think getting a vasectomy is the “responsible” thing to do. Some people that get a vasectomy are more likely to cheat because they are not afraid of pregnancy.
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