What happens if you get an X ray when you’re pregnant

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The level of safety depends on the type of X-ray you need and exactly how much radiation you’re going to be exposed to. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-happens-if-you-get-an-x-ray-when-you%27re-pregnant ]
More Answers to “What happens if you get an X ray when you’re pregnant
What happens if you get x-rays and are pregnant?
Xrays are high-energy particles that penetrate the body. The problem is, once in a while one hits genetic material and breaks it. Developing embryos are most sensitive because their genetic material is going to multiply like crazy, and that…
Why can’t you get x-rays when you’re pregnant?
X-rays are a form of radiation which can cause DNA mutations in cells. This can result in birth defects in a baby who is exposed to radiation in utero. Continued exposure to radiation can increase your and your baby’s likelihood of certain …
What can happen if you got x-rays done when you’re pregnant??
Talk to your OB/GYN about your concerns at your next appointment, as I am sure he/she can reassure you better than anyone here on this forum. But, in the meantime, X-rays do not fly all willy nilly around a room. They are highly directed an…

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what would you do if ?
Q: okay this is not meant to offend anyone and if you don’t like the question then don’t answer it.say you have a baby. your whole pregnancy was fine until the last few weeks and then all of a sudden a whole bunch of very deadly problems arose. they had to induce you and the baby a month early. you had 7 IVs full of medicine to make sure you don’t have infections and seizures and the like. you’re in labor for 30 hours. its been long an hard. x-rays have been taken and they cant figure out why your blood pressure is so high. and why you wont stop bleeding. your gum’s and your nose are both bleeding. you are put on oxygen.you finally deliver the baby and you only see him for a second before they rush him off and then you have to stay in your bed for the next 2 days because of all the meds you are on. you can’t go see your child. you don’t know how he is, what he looks like. nothing. you are finally able to go see him and he is in the NICU. hes so tiny and skinny barley 4 lbs. has a feeding tube and can’t breathe on his own. you go home after 4 days and your child can’t come home for another 8 days. its now been 6 months later. your child is big and happy and healthy.you and your husband get crazy one night and oops, now your period is late. your not sure if your birth control is messed up for if you are pregnant. when you had your first child the doctor told you that if you ever had another child again you had a 80% chance of developing the same complications and/or worse ones, and you had a 60% chance that you could die from them. and the baby had a 80% chance that it would die in the birth process. would you go through with the second pregnancy and risk your own life and the life of your next child. and risk leaving your husband and your first child behind. or would you do something about the second pregnancy? yes this is very opinionated. don’t get mad and don’t leave nasty comments. i just want to know how you as a person would react to this type of situation. ** NO, this is not happening to me or anyone i know. i just want to know how you’d react. thanks.yes you would do which one?
A: even tho im against abortions i would in this case because u r more obligated to the child u already have its sad but thats how i feel that child know you and loves you and so does ur husband
i would like to know what you would do?
Q: okay this is not meant to offend anyone and if you don’t like the question then don’t answer it.say you have a baby. your whole pregnancy was fine until the last few weeks and then all of a sudden a whole bunch of very deadly problems arose. they had to induce you and the baby a month early. you had 7 IVs full of medicine to make sure you don’t have infections and seizures and the like. you’re in labor for 30 hours. its been long an hard. x-rays have been taken and they cant figure out why your blood pressure is so high. and why you wont stop bleeding. your gum’s and your nose are both bleeding. you are put on oxygen.you finally deliver the baby and you only see him for a second before they rush him off and then you have to stay in your bed for the next 2 days because of all the meds you are on. you can’t go see your child. you don’t know how he is, what he looks like. nothing. you are finally able to go see him and he is in the NICU. hes so tiny and skinny barley 4 lbs. has a feeding tube and can’t breathe on his own. you go home after 4 days and your child can’t come home for another 8 days.its now been 6 months later. your child is big and happy and healthy.you and your husband get crazy one night and oops, now your period is late. your not sure if your birth control is messed up for if you are pregnant. when you had your first child the doctor told you that if you ever had another child again you had a 80% chance of developing the same complications and/or worse ones, and you had a 60% chance that you could die from them. and the baby had a 80% chance that it would die in the birth process.would you go through with the second pregnancy and risk your own life and the life of your next child. and risk leaving your husband and your first child behind. or would you do something about the second pregnancy?yes this is very opinionated. don’t get mad and don’t leave nasty comments. i just want to know how you as a person would react to this type of situation.** NO, this is not happening to me or anyone i know. i just want to know how you’d react. thanks.
A: If a woman decided she didn’t want to go through all that sh*t again, and did whatever she had to do to ensure she wouldn’t have to, I would not have any kind of problem with that whatsoever.I would also not have a problem with a woman making the decision to go ahead with the pregnancy, despite the risks to herself.I would, however, have a *huge* problem with any self-righteous busybody who thought they had the right to dictate to this hypothetical woman that she doesn’t have the right to make that decision for herself.
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