What do you do if your pregnant and you don’t want your parents to find out

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Talk to them. Most parents want to be supportive of a daughter who is pregnant even if they are angry or upset at first. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-do-you-do-if-your-pregnant-and-you-don%27t-want-your-parents-to-find-out ]
More Answers to “What do you do if your pregnant and you don’t want your parents to find out
What do you do if your pregnant and you don’t want your parents t…?
Talk to them. Most parents want to be supportive of a daughter who is pregnant even if they are angry or upset at first.

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what if your pregnant and you don’t want to have anyone to know it not even your parents..what can you do??
Q: well your pregnant and you don’t wana have anyone to know…im pregnant and im scared if everyone finds out what would they say
A: have an abortion right away or tell your parents right away and start getting proper prenatal care,if you do not terminate your pregnancy then people will find out you are pregnant you cant hide it for the whole pregnancy and you cant hide a baby and people will definately think you are stupid and your parentsand the fahter will definately be angry and have no reason to trust you for trying to hide something like that and if you do not end the pregnancy then you are endangering the health and life of the fetus you have chosen to neglect health concerns because of your selfish emotions and are being a terrible mother by refusing to take care of yourself or the new responsibilty you are refusing to acknowledge or take care of nobody asks to be born and this is what you need to consider it is not about you any more people are going to say what they will its too late to worry about that now
How would you suggest telling your mom your pregnant at 19???How to bring it up???
Q: I haven’t found out for sure if I am or not so before I go anyfarther I will tell you I am NOT going to tell my family til I am for sure.. so please don’t tell me wait til your for sure.. because if im not well duh i’m not going to tell them at all.. just trying to get prepared… 3 days late ALWAYS regular always start on the 28th of EVERY MONTH! 4 Neg preg tests. still could be too soon.. but I really just wanted to start thinking of ways to bring it up… Dad will be no problem to tell ( my parents are divorced ). Dad loves my fiance and his wife got preg with her first (not with my dad) at 17 and he is going to get pregnant very soon with another….. Mom doesn’t like fiance and will be more worried about her reputation with her high-end job so looking for a way without the akward “hi mom guess what I’m prenant” do you get what I’m sayin?… any help you give me, I would greatly appriciate!
A: It really depends on how you and your moms relationship is. If she really truly cares about you then tell her face to face… Im 17 and 35 weeks pregnant with a little girl and she was in the kitchen and me and my boyfriend were in the dining room.. i texted her telling her i needed to tell her something and she text back oh no im scared. came to the dining room and my boyfriend was looking at a magazine and happened to be on a celebrity pregnant page lol and says oh look so and so is pregnant and i said see that… and she said you are or you think you are pregnant and i said i am. she immediatly went grabbed the phone went into another room and called someone not sure and just cried for like 5 minutes. Im not gonna lie it was the scariest thing and i just felt like i let my mom down. Of course im not engaged or 18 so im still at home and the first couple months were difficult trying to convince my mom that I could keep the baby and i would be healthy and able to support her. MAKE SURE you have some sort of plan… everyone would ask me that… maybe just because I was 16 when I initially got pregnant. My parents (well mom mostly) are now extremely excited for my little girl Aniyah to come (due Sept. 2nd). My mom threw me this HUGE baby shower and it was the best thing I could ever ask for. And so far I have had a very healthy baby and pregnancy. So first of course make sure you are sure. second have some sort of plan like what you and your fiance are going to do, how you’re gonna support a child and just reassurance that you can. and third do everything you can to prove to your mom you arent ruining her reputation and that you will become a great mother. so good luck and I hope that helped a little 🙂
What would you do with your husband in this situation?
Q: This is for a friend:Your husband was let go from a job five months ago. He promised you he would do everything possible to find work asap. Afterall, you were a stay at home mother who now has to scurry for a job while looking at child care for your child. Your husband was making good money, and now your credit card bill and auto insurance can’t get paid. Six weeks later a miracle happens: your husband was accepted for unemployment! You take what they give you to pay your overdue rent and other bills, your husband asks for an xbox game. You give in. Now he plays it all the time. Four months pass by and it’s still the same: you’re a mother, and just found out you’re pregnant. You’re attending school full time while having a part time job, your husband still collecting his unemployment and sitting home playing his xbox. The kitchen isn’t getting cleaned nor is the laundry getting folded. You receive a letter in the mail saying they want to appeal the unemployment and if they disqualify you, you’ll have to pay back all the unemployment you’ve received. That’s 5,000 we don’t have. On top of that, your car is now uninsured, and your credit score in the whole. You’re parents are now helping with the rent, and you feel like an utter failure. Your husband can’t pay his child support from another relationship, so you aren’t guaranteed a tax return for next year from that amount owed. He’s been handling his money very badly. You’re on the verge of losing everything, thank God for your parents who make a very good living and can help with diapers. What would you do with your husband? You’ve talked to him a dozen times and all you get is “I’ll change and do what I have to do,” or “I’m sorry I’m not the husband you want, I’m just a piece of sh**.” What can my friend do, should she give him three weeks to find a job or he needs to leave (not divorce, leave the property until he can pay his bills/rent) or something else?I’m just looking for advice on what you would do if your husband was in this situation. Polite answers please.
A: Confiscate the X Box. In fact I’d go further sell the damn thing.Don’t accept any self pitying excuses or promises, they are a cop out.He’s got out of the habit of a daily routine and it sounds as though he’s given up trying.Next time he says “sorry I’m not the husband you want, I’m just a piece of sh**.” AGREE because right now he is less than useless to you.Don’t set the ultimatum as a job in three weeks or he leaves. You need to make it completely achievable and you need to carry out whatever threat you are holding over him. If you are threatening to throw him out, start packing up his stuff.Week 1Clean the house until every room is immaculate.Work out a rota for all household chores for next week.Go and buy good stationery, pens, stamps.Prepare CV, make sure it’s up to date and as well presented as possible.Set up a desk for himself and arrange it ready to start work on Monday.Week 2Buy all local papers, contact all local agencies, exchanges etcMake 5 job applications each day, that’s 25 in a week.Keep to the household rota, day by dayWeek 3Repeat week 2 but up it to 10 per day, that’s 75 by end of week 3.Point being he may not get a job from even 75 applications but he will be back in the habit of looking for one. This has to be his job now.
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