What color is your urine when you are pregnant

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The normal color of urine should be light yellow. It is the same during pregnancy. It is important to stay hydrated while pregnant [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-color-is-your-urine-when-you-are-pregnant ]
More Answers to “What color is your urine when you are pregnant
What color is your urine when you are pregnant
The normal color of urine should be light yellow. It is the same during pregnancy. It is important to stay hydrated while pregnant
Does change in color of urine mean you are pregnant??
No ususally darker urine means you need to drink more water. The color of urine is not a sign of pregnancy.
Is it true that if you are pregnant your urine changes color??
urine color changes is not indicative of pregnancy,although your urine is more likely to be darker because you are more prone to be underhydrated during pregnancy,and the growing baby swipes all of your nutrients, and fluids Plus the wonder…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What color is your urine when you are pregnant?
A: This is actually a common question amongst pregnant women… the two colors that are most often mentioned are bright yellow and dark (almost coppery) yellow…Bright yellow urine is usually caused by taking prenatal vitamins or other prenatal supplements. Vitamin B-12 is known to cause bright yellow urine. Certain supplements may cause urine to become neon yellow. Some foods, such as asparagus, can temporarily change the color of urine to a brighter yellow. Bright yellow urine is not a sign that something is wrong; it is generally caused by a dietary change.Dark yellow urine can indicate dehydration. Urine gets its yellow color from a pigment called urochrome. When you are dehydrated, your urine has a higher concentration level of this pigment. Drink plenty of fluids to hydrate your body, and your urine will return to its normal color. Most color changes in urine are temporary and not a cause for concern.If you are experiencing any pain or burning while urinating then it could mean you have a UTI which can be easily diagnosed and treated by your physician.
what color your urine have to be when you are pregnant?
Q: well sometimes my urine changes colors,i agree with the fact(s) it could be a bladder or kidney problem.Since i’m irregular on my monthly,there’s no sign if i’m gona get em.For the pass weeks i’m seeing this white stuff in my urine,sometimes it is thick and sometime it’s thin,that it dissolves in my urine.On my left side of my abs,i feel sometimes like my tube is expanding, it does not feel like when you are having your period for instance like bloatings.I,m just wondering if its possible i could be pregnant,and if these are sign.There is no burning whatsoever.I just don’t want to put my expectation there,after so long tryin to conceived.I passes this stuff even if i’m having or not having sex.
A: You could be pregnant but that’s not a symptom of pregnancy. It sounds like you have a UTI or some kind of bladder infection. If you think you’re pregnant, take a test. But that’s 100% not a symptom of pregnancy. Pregnant urine is the same color as all other people’s urine.
What color do your urine suppose to be if you becomes pregnant?
Q: The day you have sex do your stomach suppose to be hurting after you have sex. And your urine suppose to be dark or light cause mine changed and my vigina is hurting after the fact. And white stuff is coming out when I use the bathroom.
A: the white stuff is just discharge….all women have that…and your urine stays the same color, the only thing that changes it is your diet…if you drink alot of water it will be lighter…if you drink sodas it will be darker….
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