What causes your water to break when you are pregnant

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No one knows for sure what starts the chemical chain reaction that begins labor, brain signals from the fetus may be a cause. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-your-water-to-break-when-you-are-pregnant ]
More Answers to “What causes your water to break when you are pregnant
What causes your water to break during pregnancy?
Water break during pregnancy is formally called amniorrhea in medical science. When the fetus is in the wombit is enveloped by a thin tunica, which is called fetal membrane. The liquid in it is amniotic fluid, usually called as water. When …
How do you cause your water to break when your pregnant?
you can break your water by having sexy when you are about 8 or 9 months pregnant so try that. But it could put some risk at you and the baby
Can The Pushing Of Bowel Movements In Pregnancy Cause Your Water …?
Kidney stones are one of the most common disorders of the urinary tract. They are an ancient health problem. Evidence of kidney stoneshas been found in an Egyptian mummy estimated to be more than 7,000 years old. An estimated 1.3 million Am…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What causes the water to break?
Q: I’m not wanting to break my water nor am I asking what I can do to break my water. I don’t want to break my water and I’m letting nature take it’s course!! With that being said, what really causes your water to break? Can it break with a movement the baby makes, can it break when you sneeze really hard? I’m just curious as to what actually causes it.37 weeks pregnant with baby number 2 a boy2 year old beautiful daughterOh I should mention that my water broke with my first pregnancy but it was only a tiny leak and wasn’t having contractions or any kind of pressure or pain so I was ust wondering.
A: There are about 10 natural causes for water breaking and I don’t remember all of them. In fact, many babies used to be born ‘in the caul’ with the bag of waters never breaking until after birth. Mine never broke after 23 hours of labor, but they did break it about an hour before the c-section as an attempt to avoid that result.Weaknesses in the bagInfectionBabies nailsSquishing from labor really exploits those bag weaknessessmall holes that eventually tearOk..those are the ones I can think of right now.
Did you know when your water breaked or you leaked fluid?
Q: I am 36+3 weeks pregnant and went for my antenatal class today and the midwife said how dangerous it is if you dont go to the hospital when your waters break or you leak fluid – she said if its left too long the baby can die… now i’m scared shitless cause what if i dont know when it happens? what if i’m on the toilet or in the shower…. what if it only leaks a little bit and i mistake it for discharge
A: My water broke and there is NO mistaking it. It’s too much water for you not to know, and the flow is uncontrollable. Considering only 8% of pregnancies end with a broken bag of waters, I wouldn’t worry. Leaking any amount of fluid in the vaginal area is noticeable, so don’t worry. I soaked through two large towels easily. It’s messy, but you’ll be the first to know.
Help! I think I’m not holding in urine, but what if i’m pregnant and this is water breaking?
Q: I recently had kidney stones so I am assuming I am unable to hold in urine for some reason. I have been ok for about a week now, and I even woke up fine. But after I got out of the shower I noticed I am leaking trickles of what I assume is urine. It’s a chance that I could be a couple of months pregnant since I don’t always use protection and haven’t had a period in over a year due to having a baby and nursing her for the past ten months. I know that if I was miscarrying I would have blood and lots of pain, right? Is there pain and blood with every miscarriage, or can your water break? The trickle feels the same as it did when my water broke with both of my kids. Since a pregnancy test I took about a month ago was negetive (unless the cheapie was reading wrong) I am assuming it is urine and has something to do with the damage caused by passing stones. So what do you think? Yes, I am going to call the OB and I have an appointment to see my eurologist tomorrow morning.
A: Go see the urologist. It’s from the kidney stones. They may need to catheterize you temporarily. And you may have and infection, too.
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