What causes ovary cancer

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Some of the risk factors for a person having ovarian cancer are family history of cancer, being over 55 years old, never having been pregnant, & Menopausal hormone therapy. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-ovary-cancer ]
More Answers to “What causes ovary cancer
What causes ovary cancer
Some of the risk factors for a person having ovarian cancer are family history of cancer, being over 55 years old, never having been pregnant, & Menopausal hormone therapy.
What Causes Ovarian Cancer?
Most women with ovarian cancer have no family history of the disease, yet a woman is more likely to get the disease if her mother or sister has had ovarian, breast, or uterine cancer; the more relatives affected, the greater the risk. Women…
Can polycystic ovary syndrome cause ovarian cancer?
First, I would like to apologize for the delay in answering. Unfortunately, my son required …

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what caUses ovarian cancer? why did the cancer cell gets in the ovary?
A: We don’t know what causes cancer. However, it is not a cancer cells that gets into anything it is your own cell that starts to behave abnormally. It can start anywhere.
Would ovarian cancer cause pain in your ovaries?
Q: I’ve had pain in my ovaries for years and never thought much of it. .When I had a tubal done, the Dr said my ovaries looked fine. I had an MRI done about 2 wks ago and it came back that I have a “mass” on each of my ovaries. I’m going in for a sonogram this week to further explore what these “masses” are.I was just wondering if ovarian cancer was painful? I know that breast cancer isn’t…that’s usually a danger signal, but when a breast lump is painful it’s usually benign.
A: Symptoms of ovarian cancer are nonspecific and mimic those of many other more common conditions, including digestive and bladder disorders. It isn’t unusual for a woman with ovarian cancer to be diagnosed with another condition before finally learning she has cancer. The key seems to be persistent or worsening signs and symptoms. With most digestive disorders, symptoms tend to come and go, or they occur in certain situations or after eating certain foods. With ovarian cancer, there’s typically little fluctuation — symptoms are constant and gradually worsen.Recent studies have shown that women with ovarian cancer are more likely than are other women to consistently experience the following symptoms:Abdominal pressure, fullness, swelling or bloating Urinary urgency Pelvic discomfort or pain Additional signs and symptoms that women with ovarian cancer may experience include:Persistent indigestion, gas or nausea Unexplained changes in bowel habits, including diarrhea or constipation Changes in bladder habits, including a frequent need to urinate Loss of appetite Unexplained weight loss or gain Increased abdominal girth or clothes fitting tighter around your waist Pain during intercourse (dyspareunia) A persistent lack of energy Low back pain Doctors can usually diagnose ovarian cancer within three months of women first noticing symptoms, but sometimes it may take six months or longer before a diagnosis can be made.
Can letting your laptop rest on you give you cancer?
Q: I don’t know what’s in my own laptop’s battery, but mom’s laptop says hers has cadmium in it..a cancer causing metal right? So if I sit my laptop on my stomach to watch movies couldn’t I maybe develop cancer in my stomach or ovaries from that? The battery would be *right there*.. I don’t know..I just thought about it and it kinda creeped me out
A: I think everything causes cancer these days. I wouldn’t really worry about it.Drink some green tea and things should even out. 😉
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