What are the chances of pregnancy during menstruation

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There are no specific statistics available, but a woman can become pregnant from having sexual intercourse during menstruation. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-chances-of-pregnancy-during-menstruation ]
More Answers to “What are the chances of pregnancy during menstruation
Is there a chance of pregnancy if had sex during menstruation (ie…?
Sorry Amber, age has zero to do with it. please read on… The debate on whether or not a female can get pregnant during her period has been going on for decades now. Just like every female is different, so are her hormonal balances and hen…
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Question: Can you be pregnant and still get your period? Answer: Well, no, you can’t get your period once you’re pregnant — once your body starts producing the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and your pregnancy is established, y…
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Hey! Well if u didnt ejaculate inside of her then their is no way to be pregnant. I think you shoudl save your money and not buy a hpt bc it will come out neg. but If u didnt ejaculate inside her then it is hard to believe that she could be…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Chances of pregnancy on the 4th menstrual day?
Q: am 29 years old, had sexual intercourse on the 4th day of my menstrual cycle (being the first bleeding day the March 14 morning). I had sexual intercourse on March 17th, no ejaculation inside though. The period lasted around 7 days with light spotting. I thought I started ovulating from March 27 to April 11, since I had recurrent cervical mucus changes.My usual cycles are 28 – 30 days from each other.Today is the 39 so far my longest cycle.I had a lot of stress the weeks I was supposed to be ovulating, and since my last period I lost around 5 pounds, because I got braces and my diet changed a lot.Last week I started to have PMS-like symptoms, sharp pains on the side of my breast, small cramps and a bit of breast enlargement. The usual that I always have before any menstruation cycle.I am usually regular at my cycles and I hardly believe that I could changed from regular to irregular less than a month.What are my chances to have ovulated during my 4th day of menstruation, or my chances of pregnancy if there was no ejaculation?I took 2 home pregnancy tests last Thursday and Friday, and the both came back negative.What are my chances of a false negative?If I take another HPT next week (6 weeks after my last period), if I were really pregnant, would it show already?Thanks!
A: If you had sexual intercourse on the first day of bleeding, then you won’t become pregnant. To become pregnant, the sperm must reach the egg in the fallopian tube which is during ovulation. When you start to bleed, that means your egg has left the fallopian tubes and attached itself to the endometrium of the uterus and now the endometrium is being flushed. You’ll have to wait till your next ovulation period.
Chances of pregnancy on 4 menstrual day?
Q: I am 29 years old, had sexual intercourse on the 4th day of my menstrual cycle (being the first bleeding day the March 14 morning). I had sexual intercourse on March 17th, no ejaculation inside though. The period lasted around 7 days with light spotting. I thought I started ovulating from March 27 to April 11, since I had recurrent cervical mucus changes.My usual cycles are 28 – 30 days from each other.Today is the 39 so far my longest cycle.I had a lot of stress the weeks I was supposed to be ovulating, and since my last period I lost around 5 pounds, because I got braces and my diet changed a lot.Last week I started to have PMS-like symptoms, sharp pains on the side of my breast, small cramps and a bit of breast enlargement. The usual that I always have before any menstruation cycle.I am usually regular at my cycles and I hardly believe that I could changed from regular to irregular less than a month.What are my chances to have ovulated during my 4th day of menstruation, or my chances of pregnancy if there was no ejaculation?I took 2 home pregnancy tests last Thursday and Friday, and the both came back negative.What are my chances of a false negative?If I take another HPT next week (6 weeks after my last period), if I were really pregnant, would it show already?Thanks!**Update.Thank you all for your answers. Today I took the blood test and came back negative. For now I just need to lay back, watch my favorite movie, buy a multi-vitamin supplement and let my body do its work.
A: First, on 4 day of cycle you would not be able to become pregnant. Just be sure you did not have unprotected sex on other days.Second, stress could be a reason of delay because menstrual cycles are very-very sensitive to stresses and dramatic weight loose.Third, after 6 weeks (after last period) you blood pregnancy test should be positive (if pregnant).Read more in http://www.menstrual-cycle.infoBe Healthy and Happy!
CD25/9DPO, Anyone can share their pregnancy symptoms at this early?
Q: http://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/2222ccPlease check my chart above:I am currently 10 DPO but fertility friend move my ovulation day to CD16 which make me only 9DPO now.But anyhow, I feel my abdomen are tight, pulling pinching comes and goes. Nagging cramp towards my right radiating toward my left. Last night at worked, I felt so tired, I am very hyper and squirming around but last night I could not stand it that I have to stand and walk just around my cubicle. AT 6DPO, I have a nagging cramps along with bloated. Take note I dont get cramps just a week after Ovulation. I only get them during my menstruation, and I only get bloated during ovulation. At 7DPO to now which is 10 DPO, I have this waves of nausea that comes and go. My temperature shoot up to 98.9 at 8DPO and stayed 98.9 for 3 days now. BBT charter also check my chart what do you think? Do I have the chance? I want to have a child so bad. My hubby and I are TTC for one year now. Anyone can give me a shed of light here. Oh, by the way no rude comments.
A: Are you just trying on your own or under a doctors care?My husband and I have been TTC for 3 years, under the care of a fertility specialist. You could be pregnant, but because you want a baby so badly, and trust me I understand, sometimes you can psychologically give yourself pregnancy symptoms, but with that said, it actually does sound like you might be pregnant. You could go get a pregnancy test and the best ones to get, IMHO, are the digital tests, they pick up even a little bit of the pregnancy hormone.I do wish you the best of luck!
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