Is sushi bad for pregnant women

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Is sushi bad for pregnant women”,you can compare them.

In North America, doctors often suggest that pregnant women refrain from eating sushi due to the risks of parasitic and…More? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is sushi bad for pregnant women
Why Sushi? Why is Sushi bad for pregnant women?
A few websites said: More precisely, “[…]pregnant women and infants are high risk groups in regard to a pathogenic organism called Listeria monocytogenes. This is also found in raw fish, along with many cheeses, especially soft chees…
Is fish roe in sushi bad for pregnant women?
You’re probably fine. I don’t think it’ll hurt your baby. I haven’t heard anything about it either, actually. I’d assume that no, it’s not bad for you. But I’d call you doctor and ask for sure.
Can pregnant women eat sushi?
It depends on what type of fish you are eating. Pregnant women have to watch their mercury intake. With that being said, to my knowledge, there is no scientific evidence that states sushi is harmful during pregnancy. You can find more inf…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is fish roe in sushi bad for pregnant women?
Q: Ack, so I am 14 wks pregnant and very very careful about what I eat. I was eating a california roll (cooked crab and avocado), I was two bites into the roll before I noticed the rice was laced with fish roe. I know that raw fish is bad 4 the fetus bc of bacteria, but how about roe? I’ve looked online and can’t find an answer. Anyone else run into this problem? Did anyone get actual advice from their OB?My only concern is bacteria passing thru the placenta to the baby.
A: You’re probably fine. I don’t think it’ll hurt your baby. I haven’t heard anything about it either, actually. I’d assume that no, it’s not bad for you. But I’d call you doctor and ask for sure.
Is it true that sushi is bad for pregnant women?
Q: I know it’s raw fish.. but what about the tempura sushi? the crab one and the shrimp one?
A: consult your Ob about this. They say sushi is “bad” for diabetics too, but I still eat it… and like it alot. Certain fish & seafood is good in minerals & oils that you can only get from eating seafoods…. you can’t get them from eating meat or veggies or other foods. If anything, you will have to eat them in moderate servings/amounts….. BUT as ALWAYS…. consult with your DR FIRST, so as to avoid any possible complications.
Why Sushi?
Q: Why is Sushi bad for pregnant women?
A: Because of the potential mercury content.
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