Is running bad when you are pregnant

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Running during pregnancy has NOT been proven to be harmful to the baby.It’s been proven to be BENEFICIAL for pregnant women. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is running bad when you are pregnant
Is running bad for you when your pregnant
Not if you’re pregnancy is healthy and your fitness level allows you to comfortably exercise, but please consult your doctor.
What things can harm my baby?Im pregnant and want him to be healt…?
Ask your doctor what exercise he thinks is okay for you to do. i can tell you some things my OB told me stay away from caffeine and chocolate. they restrict blood flow to the baby and can cause miscarriage or low birth weight. dont use any …
Is it bad to run when pregnant and what a baby movements feel lik…?
If you ran before you were pregnant and your doctor has not restricted your physical activity, you are fine to continue running. Even if you didn’t run before but were in good shape and did other exercise, running is fine. Now is not the ti…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

is running bad when you’re pregnant?
Q: i’ve heard different stories. some say it will cause a misscarrige, others say it fine, just uncomforable. now i don’t know what to beleive, anybody?
A: If you are considered at risk for a miscarriage, I think it’s discouraged. If you’re not a runner and you’re looking to start, talk to your doctor first. If you already run, there’s no reason to stop. Run as long as you’re comfortable doing it, or until your doc tells you to stop. Let your doctor/midwife know you’re a runner, though, so he/she is informed!This is what my doctor told me, and I’m pretty sure it’s what was in “Your pregnancy week by week.” (great book!)
Before you found out you were pregnant, did you have bad stomach cramps? Like a period?
Q: There is a possibility that I might be pregnant and my abdomen has felt like it has been in a knot for a while now, kind of like when you have the runs or when you have a bad period. I have also been spotting for the last week. I stopped my cycle, then about a week later, I started spotting. It isn’t continuous but it has not stopped completely. Have any of you experienced anything like this?
A: I have experienced bad cramps and I thought I was going to get my period but I never got one so I took a pregnancy test after the 2nd day I missed my period. If you are bleeding very light it could be implantation bleeding, take a pregnancy test that is the only way to make sure if you are or not.
Is holding your pee bad when you are pregnant?
Q: I am 12 1/2 weeks pregnant and have an extremely bad habit of putting my bathroom needs last. I am either too busy running around with my daughter to go right away when I need to, or at night I’m so exhausted I really do not want to get out of bed and in my state of half-asleepness, I hold it off until I am cramping and need to go or I will pee the bed (sometimes as long as 3 hours). I know this is really bad for me to do regardless of whether I am pregnant or not but at night it is really hard for me to snap awake and connect my “dont do that” thought to my body! Can anyone help with ideas of how to make myself get up at night, and is this really bad for my unborn child?
A: THIS IS VERY BAD AND CAN CAUSE URINATION PRoBLEMS WITH YOUR OWN BABY IN SIDE YOU!! honey, when you have to pee, just pee! wear a diaper and pee. dont hurt your baby for your own selfish needs!!! JUST TAKE A PISS!
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