Is it bad to exercise when you’re pregnant

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If you have been regularly exercising prior to your pregnancy, you should be able to continue to exercise with some modifications. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it bad to exercise when you’re pregnant
Is it bad to exercise when you are pregnant.?
actually it healthy to do aerobic exercises that helps strengthening your heart. you DO NOT want to do any anaerobic exercises or resistance exercises that may push you body to the limits and can do harm to the fetus. As a cardiologist I re…
Is exercise bad when you’re pregnant?
For most pregnancies, vigorous exercise is not good, but exercise is ok. You should check with your Dr. to see which exercises are ok for you to do during your pregnancy.
Is extreme exercise bad when you’re pregnant?
Actually most sources say that if you did things before you got pregnant, it should be fine to continue doing them as long as you don’t let yourself get over tired and you have cleared the exercises with your doctor. Your doctor may say not…

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A: Hmmm, this sounds like you could very well possibly be pregnant. Have you started taking the pill (or any other contraceptive) since you’re husband has left? When i started taking the pill it messed with my period a lot for the first few months. As well as taking it at different times everyday will mess with it. Have you been stressed about anything lately? Perhaps your husband being gone? Stress can cause a female to skip periods or offset her cycle as well has add a few pounds. How much weight have you actually gained? Are you breasts sore? Morning Sickness at all? I think the best thing to do would be to visit a doctor who can tell you 100% whether or not you are pregnant. At home pregnancy tests dont always work. Good Luck!
Disease or imagination?
Q: For more than ten years, and especially the last several months after I quit smoking, I have been tired and sore all of the time. I have trouble sleeping and also finding a way to exercise without pain bad enough to make me stop. The only times I have seen a doctor was during my pregnancies, and it’s normal to be tired and sore when you’re pregnant. I was tested for lupus during my pregnancies because I developed a butterfly rash on my cheeks, but both times the doctors said I didn’t have it. My sister has an autoimmune disease that they haven’t been able to diagnose (she has had pupura for five years without the cause being found), and my father has multiple sclerosis.I don’t have health insurance, so it’s not very easy for me to go to a doctor. My husband says that I’m always imagining that something is wrong with me and that it’s an excuse for not getting more done around the house. I’m starting to wonder, though, if it might be something treatable. Any ideas?
A: OH the old “guilt trip”. Are they not darling to lay that on us when we feel so awful. Ok, since your dad has MS you would prob recognize these symptoms if you were going there and also a doc would get right on it. I am going to venture a guess of Fibromyagia, aka Fibro. It makes every muscle in your body ache, relentlessly. It has only been recognized as a very real condition in past 5 or 10 years. Here is the test the Arthritis specialist gave me…He had me hold out my arm..level.. and pinched the skin and muscle tissue and it hurt like *)*&!!. Some one who does not have Fibro, that won’t hurt or at least not very much. Test yourself this way and go from there, I hope you dont have fibro.. Good luck and hugs, Lainey
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A: i had a friend who was obsese when she became pregant and lost 50lbs by changing her unhealth ways and eating very well, under the supervision of her nutritionist and physician, while pregnant
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