Is insomnia a sign of pregnancy

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Some pregnant women complain of insomnia in their second to third trimester. But not common in early pregnancy. Thank you! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is insomnia a sign of pregnancy
Most people can go through bouts of insomnia caused by stress, over-work, shift-work, etc. It’s normal. If pregnant then yes, some women can experience insomnia mainly because they can’t find a comfy spot in bed. Stay away from too much cho…
im 39 wks and in the beg i slept alot and now i cant sleep at all i stay up all night anymore, i dont know if its because my body is getting ready for baby or it really is a symptom, some people are different, ive experienced sleeping alot …
No, insomnia is not a sign of pregnancy, though it can be argued that the changing hormone levels (which occur routinely in a pregnancy) in a few newly-pregnant women will alter their emotional status and may cause anxiety and insomnia. But…

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Q: I am only 7 dpo, but for some reason, cannot sleep. I will get up to use the bathroom, and can’t fall back asleep for hours. It seems like I can’t get comfortable, because of minor stomach cramping.
A: Yes, I was an insomniac. Your sleep gets all messed up. Now I’m dead tired, but can’t stay asleep (35 weeks pregnant).
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Q: weve been trying to conceive recently and we had sex two days before my ovulation date. im waiting the two weeks to take the test but ive been having bouts of insomnia but during the day i have loads of energy(not usual for me)and im nottired until late at night. ive also been in a very very good mood. could this be a sign of pregnancy or just the hope of being pregnant?
A: Stop, just go buy a test if it is too early go to your doc and a blood test will tell you also note if you go to pee often that can be a sign and people do have different symtomsGood luck I hope your preg
Do you think that this could be a sign of pregnancy?
Q: Hello, all! I started my period when I was ten, and am 25 now. I have been on a 28 day cycle my entire life. I’ve only been late three times, and all three of those times, I’ve been pregnant (which I subsequently lost.) I’ve never been early. Ever. Now, the date of my last period was Jan. 11, which would make me due to start again on Feb. 8. I had unprotected sex with the hubby on the 29th, which, since I’m very aware of when I ovulate, would have been on my fourth day after ovulation. So, the past three days, I’ve been a sobbing mess (you should have seen me watch “Dances With Wolves” yesterday), I have had insomnia, and I haven’t felt like eating. And I’ve been bitchy. I’ve had a little cramping the past few days, and about twenty minutes ago, I had some thick brown discharge. I thought it could be my period, but like I said, it’s awfully early for that. Could the discharge and cramps be due to implantation, or could all of this be due to an early period?
A: To me, it sounds like all this is due to an early period. I know because it just happened to me this past week, and I did all of the above..:) Oh and yeah, it’s 11:24 pm and I’m still unable to sleep. Definitely would have to say it’s your monthly coming on.
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