Is cigarettes bad for pregnant women

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Is cigarettes bad for pregnant women”,you can compare them.

Yes; smoking while pregnant causes an increased risk of miscarriage, increased risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is cigarettes bad for pregnant women
Is cigarettes bad for pregnant women
Yes; smoking while pregnant causes an increased risk of miscarriage, increased risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), MORE?
How to Sell Cigarettes to Pregnant Women
Facing declining sales, tobacco companies have resorted to more desperate measures to sell more cigarrettes, including the following campaigns aimed at pregnant women:
Are E-Cigarettes Safe For Pregnant Women?
One question that e-cigarette companies are getting quite often is whether e-cigarettes are safe for pregnant women to use in place of tobacco. “It’s amazing how often we get that question over the phone and through e-mail contacts,” says T…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Which is worse for a 9 month pregnant woman: Cigarettes or stress?
Q: I just got attacked by my entire family for calling my sister out on smoking in a “rude” way. She’s nine months along and an immature little 18 year old brat. She always reeks of perfume and cigarettes and I caught her go out for three cigarettes in 30 minutes tonight and called her out on it.Then I kind of said some other stuff that wasn’t very nice because she is being selfish. But I wasn’t yelling or anything crazy like that and now everyone is like “ohhhhh my! stop causing your sister all this stress..”So which is worse, a little tiff with your sister, or (at the rate that I caught her sneaking off and smoking at a family event) I’m sure at least a pack a day habit?Also, could anyone give me any info that I could tell her so she realizes how dumb it is
A: Cigarettes, all pregnant women have some stress, most deal with it in a healthy way. She’s messing with her fetus’ blood pressure which will make it more susceptible to SIDs after delivery, never mind the whole host of problems that come with prenatal cigarette exposure, heck her placenta is going to reek of a nasty ashtray!
Question for men, do you feel really bad about women who smoke?
Q: I feel really bad and sorry for women who smoke. It is ugly for anybody to smoke, but I feel worse when I see a woman smoke. Because a woman’s health makes her more beautiful, and women are more susceptible to the harms of cigarettes. For example, if a woman smokes she has a higher chance of getting cancer. Also the smoking harms the pregnancy if she’s pregnant.
A: i tend to agree. i would never date anyone who smoked. it,s also unfair to demand that a person stop smoking to help a relationship.
Is smoking cigarettes or marijuana better for a pregnant woman. ?
Q: I have a friend who is about 2 months pregnant. She is sick all the time, vomiting and what not. I feel so bad for her. The only thing that helps her is marijuana. When she smokes a cigarette she throws up 75% of the time, but when she smokes a little bit of marijuana she is fine.
A: Neither is good for the baby. If she wants to alleviate the morning sickness, tell her to go to the doctor and ask for a prescription of Phenagrine. That will take the edge off and make her feel much better.
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