If you are pregnant, how long can implantation bleeding last

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Typical implantation bleeding occurs about 4 wks after the last menstrual period and is less and darker than normal menstruation. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/if-you-are-pregnant%2C-how-long-can-implantation-bleeding-last ]
More Answers to “If you are pregnant, how long can implantation bleeding last
How long does implantation bleeding last? could i be pregnant??
Implantation bleeding is a pink or brown vaginal discharge that generally occurs six to 12 days after ovulation and fertilization. Most women do not experience implantation bleeding, and doctors suggest that just 1/3 pregnant women will rep…
How long does Implantation bleeding last for? Do you think I migh…?
Definitely take a test, just to be sure, I personally don’t recommend the patch to anyone for birth control, I was on it for 6 months, used properly, etc, I’m now 5 month pregnant. If you take a test and it’s negative, just give your doc a …
How soon after getting pregnant can implantation bleeding occur h…?
i got pregnant november 13 and had implantation bleeding the the first of december it lasted a couple weeks but it was only there when i wiped i havent had it since then but some women bleed when they should get there period when pregnant

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how long does the implantation bleeding last if you are pregnant?
Q: Reason for asking is b/c not once but twice after i have had protected sex i experienced light brownish discharge. The first time i started to notice it was like 2 days after i had sex, but my period had just finished 3 days before. The second time i saw it was 2 days after i had sex again, but it was a day before my ovulation started and it lasted for about 2-3 days. I was told it was just old blood from by perivous period that can triggered by intercourse or just come anytime. I think im even starting to make myself sick thinking i may (pray to god not) be pregnant b/c ive been feeling really bloated and gassy. My breast( only the nipple) are starting to feel sore im guessing b/c of ovulation since it was like that last month. I know that somewhat of the feelings im having can be the same as early pregnancy sypmtoms AND impending menstruation. Is any of brown discharge normal in that way??? Which one could it be??I had protected sex both times by the way.
A: Implantation bleeding arrives around the time of your expected period which is why some women think it is a period and don’t realize thay are pregnant. It doesnt happen 2 days after you have sex, dont worry hun. If this was not enough info for you, you can always go to pregnancy.com and there is a whole bunch of information, also at plannedparenthood.com they actually have a video that walks you through the steps of pregnancy from intercourse to delivery I believe.
How long does implantation bleeding last for and how do you know its not your period when ttc?
Q: I’m 22 yrs old, have NEVER been pregnant, no bc, and my cycle is like clock-work (allways HEAVY and on time since I first started the darn thing ). I’ve been ttc with my fiance for 3 months now and this month it seem like things were working out for the good. We did everything perfect on the right date and everything. I even got the sharp pains and bad cramps 5 days before my period (due December 2) and I’ve been spotting on and off for 3 days now. The spotting comes and it goes throughout the day and it so fustrating because my period is nearing and i don’t know if its pregnancy or early period. I feel tired, grumpy and weak. I blew chunks all thanksgiving weekend and it feels like I could throw up at any giving time, that’s how nausiated I am.What makes this matter even harder for me is that today a clinician from PP told me that my urine test was 100% negative and that it just may be too soon to tell.I want to give up. I don’t think I can concieve. Why am I bleeding?
A: You really need to go to an OB/GYN doctor right away to find out what is going on with your body. A blood pregnancy test is more sensitive than one done with urine. You can find out for sure faster if you go to a doctor.
What is implantation bleeding and how long does it last?
Q: I just recently lost a baby on Jan 24 at 8 weeks I had to have a D&C. I have irregular cycles and have not had one since than. I recently two weeks ago had fertile cervical fluid and we tried to concieve when it was present it has now been two weeks and I had a small amount of pink & brown in my discharge once yesterday and once today but still no period, I’ve never had this happen before my period usually comes pretty good when it comes, do you think this is implantation bleeding and if so when can I take a test to show a positive if I am pregnant. Thanks for your help Liz
A: I feel for you having a miscarriage at 8 weeks, so sad. I hope this is good news for you. It could be implantation bleeding if i were you I would take a test in 3-4 weeks time to be sure of a result. Alternatively go and chat with your doctor. Wishing you much luck!
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