How young was the youngest girl to get pregnant

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The youngest mother ever on record was a 5 year old Peruvian girl. Thanks for asking ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How young was the youngest girl to get pregnant
How young was the youngest girl to get pregnant
The youngest mother ever on record was a 5 year old Peruvian girl. Thanks for asking ChaCha!
How young could a girl get pregnant?
the youngest mother ever was 5 years old to a boy of the same age (it wouldve been horrifying on the grandest scale if otherwise.)
What’s the age of the youngest girl you’ve known to get pregnant??
12 years, and she still went to school through out her pregnacy and only had time off for appotments, or medical reason and obvioslely she had time off too after the birth, she actually went in labour at school lol,, her parents wasnt best …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

how old is the youngest girl to get pregnant?
Q: how old is the youngest person ever pregnant? and what is the youngest age a girl can get pregnant? I heard it was only 5, and is it impossible to get pregnant at 5 now a days??and what happened to her kid?? did she give birth to a boy or girl??
A: As long as a female has started menstruating, she can get pregnant. The youngest girl to ever get pregnant was 5 years old. Her name was Lina Medina. On Mother’s day in 1939 she gave birth at 7 months and 21 days to a 6 lb baby boy by C section. He lived to be 40 years old. He died from bone marrow disease. Jennifer: unfortunately no one was punished for the incident. Her father was arrested on suspicion of rape and incest but was released due to lack of evidence.
Youngest Girl Ever Pregnant?
Q: O.k. I heard the youngest girl to ever get pregnant was a five year old. So two questions: 1- Is she still alive? and 2- How can she possibly br pregnant at five, because the youngest a girl can be when she gets her period is 8 or 9.Yes it’s true, she was 5 and got pregnant, so aparently its possible!Thanks for the answers!
A: 1. I don’t see a death date on her wiki page, so I am assuming she is still alive, the son she delivered died in 1970. Remember this was back in 1939 in Peru.2. She had what is called precocious puberty, very rare under the age of 5 but not completely unheard of.Her name is Lina Medina, she had a son Gerardo, named after the doctor that helped deliver him by c-section, and then had another son in 1972.
How old was the youngest girl to ever get pregnant?
Q: Please provide link.
A: A five year old peruvian girl.
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