How many girls in high school are pregnant

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750,000 teen girls are pregnant in the US annually–that’s the highest teen pregnancy rate in the industrialized world. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many girls in high school are pregnant
How many girls in high school are pregnant
750,000 teen girls are pregnant in the US annually–that’s the highest teen pregnancy rate in the industrialized world.
How many high school girls get pregnant?
about a million girls have gotten pregent this year and the years before!
Why do high school girls get pregnant?
Lack of effective teaching about sex and contraception in public schools. A social welfare system which rewards unmarried teen mothers. A culture which no longer stigmatizes unwed motherhood. All of the above.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How many Pregnant in your high school?
Q: I was watching the news and they said in one high school 17 girls were pregnant. What is it like at your high school?
A: We have 2-3 each year out of a student body of about 2000. Nobody makes any big deal about it in any direction. Usually those who are pregnant go on home study after 8 1/2 months and return to the classroom as soon as they are able after giving birth.
I am doing a survey for school can u plz answer how many girls got/are pregnant in ur high school?
Q: How many girls got/are pregnant in ur schoolwhat grade are/where they indid they keep it adoption or abortionthanksand if u dont mind can u give me some details but only if ur comfortable
A: There are four that I know of.2 are juniors, 1 is a sophomore, 1 is a senior.3 are keeping it (juinors and senior) and the other is putting it up for adoption.
How many of you went to a public high school or Jr. High that didn’t allow pregnant girls to attend school?
Q: I went to a Public high school & Jr. High in N.California where if you got pregnant your were kicked out of school and send to a teen parent program 30 miles away! I only knew of 1 girl who got pregnant in our school she was kicked out, so was her boyfriend and her family was laughed out of town with in a month! If I could afford to live there I would! It is a wonderful town and send my son to its schools! They only have 3 schools in the district. It is great! And to this day they still kick out girls that get pregnant & their boyfriends too if they attend the schools!! What do you think??No the school doesn’t give out condoms! That is like saying yes sex is OK to have. We do have a wonderful sex ed. class that last for 8 weeks. We don’t have anywhere to put pregnant girls in our school and we don’t have any kind of day care at all in the school that I wend to!Ps- I graduated in 1992 and they are still doing the same things now as they did then!
A: No, my school did not kick girls out for being pregnant.But the girls (I remember 2)that got prego in high school didn’t care much for school and ended up dropping out anyway.Kicking them out seems kind of ludicrous and unethical to me. If a girl wants an education, why should she be denied one just because she made a mistake? It seems that by turning your back on her, you’re just pushing her into more self-destuctive behavior. Isn’t she going through enough already?
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