How can you be sure not to get a girl pregnant

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The very best form of birth control is the vasectomy, a responsibility of the men and that method hardly “degrades women.” ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can you be sure not to get a girl pregnant
How can you be sure not to get a girl pregnant
The very best form of birth control is the vasectomy, a responsibility of the men and that method hardly “degrades women.” ChaCha!

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Is Bristol the next incoherent Palin we have to listen to?
Q: In 2008, 750,000 U.S. teenage girls got pregnant. Bristol Palin was one of them. Out of 750,000 girls Bristol’s been chosen to appear on a show about single Moms. Bristol has contradicted herself on at least one major issue already – abstinence.”Regardless of what I did personally, I just think that abstinence is the only way you can effectively, 100% foolproof way you can prevent pregnancy.” Asked how she squared her own experiences with her new campaign, she added, “I’m not quite sure, I just want to go out there and promote abstinence and say, this is the safest choice. This is the choice that’s going to prevent teen pregnancy and prevent a lot of heartache.”I am a teen myself. I’m saying that there’s one way to prevent it, and that’s not having sex.” Then Bristol made headlines when she declared that abstinence is “not realistic at all.” Now she says the quote was “taken out of context. … I do think it’s realistic. It’s the harder choice, but it’s the safest choice.”Before the “Sarah Brigade” accuses me of being a Liberal who’s afraid of Sarah and unfairly attacking the children she herself keeps dragging into the spotlight herself … blah…blah… let me say that I do understand and sympathize with the situation Bristol is in. Her baby has a sperm donor Dad and she’s a young woman with a great deal of responsibility at a young age. However, I think she was only chosen for that show because she’s Sarah Palin’s daughter. If being a single Mom was the only criteria, they had 749,000 other choices.I also think that like her mother, Bristol sends out mixed messages and speaks before she does research: A major study published last year found that premarital abstinence pledges among teens were ineffective and often counterproductive — teens were just as likely to have sex but less likely to use condoms or other forms of birth control.I agree with what I think were her true feelings that abstinence is unrealistic and not what Mommy thinks. Bristol should get on birth control before she meets another “Levi” instead of thinking she’s going to be 100% able to say no and Bristol is not a good spokesperson for teen Moms until she learns to think for herself. Do you want your daughter or granddaughter watching that show and taking advice from Bristol or one of the 749,000 who would say “Try not to have sex because that’s 100% safe but use birth control just in case”.This isn’t about turning your TV on or off. It’s about letting this young woman say whatever she wants because of the family she comes from whether she makes sense or not and how it will affect young teens.
A: Of course Bristol’s mother is the reason she’s on that TV show.She does contradict herself badly.Abstinence in teenagers does not work. They are going to have sex, most people do so in their teens, so they should be fully informed about birth control and the inevitable outcome of not taking precautions.
what do u think.. my bf has 4 kids and i am nearly 19-he’s 24.?
Q: its a complicated situation, and one of which I am not sure how to break to my parents. I’m deeply in love with him and I love kids, so the idea of him having a family does not phase me. But me being 18, how would you react as a parent or a friend? I haven’t told my parents because I don’t talk to them much as it is because we don’t get along, but I want nothing more than for them to see and know how happy I am. We have been dating now for about 6 months. I know it looks bad that I haven’t told them but I’m scared because they are Christians and have unshakable morals… does this look bad to christians? I am still a christian but the way i live is changed slightly i guess. I am just worried they won’t accept him into my family.He is a beautiful person and we have something amazing which we know will last a long, long time. Therefore the obstacles won’t tear us apart. We have been through a lot already with his friends being against us and i have lost some friends too, but its worth it. I would just like to know any kind of opinions on this relationship- I’m not considering breaking up, I just want to know how it looks and if people think it can work. He is also not yet divorced ( he had a wedding at 18 a few months after his partner fell pregnant if that makes any more sense.) but in Australia, you have to wait at least a year from the official separation before you can file for a divorce. so it is not their choice to wait.. Soon it will happen though.On top of this, we have discussed our future and the fact that I want marriage and children one day- he said it would be hectic to have more kids but he is willing to because he wants us to have our own children one day- and he wants to end up marrying the girl of his dreams, which right now is me. it may be early to be talking about this stuff after 6 months but in this situation we have to be sure. I am mature for my age and we fit perfectly it seems- but to others it may bot. please tell me your views! thank you :)and BY THE WAY he had them all to one woman and she is lovely but they didn’t work out from the start- he is not the type of guy to run and leave a wife and kids- it was a mutual decision. don’t jump to conclusions ‘cindylu’ what i have told u is how it is. far out woman.
A: I’m just going to be straight-up honest with you; it’s almost definitely not going to work. You may be really mature for your age, but you have to realize that you’re only 18. I remember thinking that I really had a good grasp on things when I was 18, too. At 21 or 22, I was so different from the kid I was at 18, I barely recognized myself. That’s not a unique thing; it happen to tons of people.At this point in your life, the age gap you’re looking at is pretty large. Later in life, it doesn’t matter so much, but for now, whether you know it or not, you’re still growing up. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be in a relationship with a married man who has four kids to boot.You’ve got to be practical about this. Do you really want to tie yourself down at this young age to not one, but FIVE people? You’ve only been seeing this man for six months. (Meanwhile, if the man was mature, he would have kept some distance between you and his kids or their protection in case this didn’t work out.)Say you got married. What kind of quality of life could you have with four children and then more of your own? These are really things you need to think about before you get too far involved with this guy.The divorce rate for a man who has already been divorced is 60%. Add in stepchildren, and the divorce rate shoots up. Toss in your age (let’s say you got married at 20, 21) and it’s just about out of the park. Just from that information alone, you can tell that this is most likely a losing battle. (Check out the statistics I’ve linked to this for you.)You’re young. You don’t have baggage yet. Get out, have fun, find a single guy and be a happy teenager. You’re too young to be a mom. One day, you’ll look back and wonder what you were thinking. Good luck to you!
Guy gets another girl pregnant on accident?
Q: How would you feel if a guy that you have hanging out with, i guess dating but not committed, winds up getting another girl pregnant, he is not sure if it his or not but if it is he is willing to man up and take responsibility. He keeps saying that he wishes it was you and not her if it is his and that now he wants to be with you. We both love each other and it just is weird how things can happen out the blue. Would you end history of 5 years with this person and everything you have together or just let it go?I guess I should of said that we never were committed….just messing around for 5 years….went out and did stuff together, but not together….
A: if you were ok with not being exclusive then you should be ok with him having children outside of your relationship. just because he has kids with someone else doesn’t mean that you can’t be with him. if you want an exclusive relationship with him now then let him know that and what you expect from him and if he loves you like you say then that shouldn’t be a problem…. then again i would think that if he loved you as much as you say then he prolly would have been with you instead of this other girl but hey…. what do i know.
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