How can I help my pregnant wife through her contractions

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “How can I help my pregnant wife through her contractions”,you can compare them.

Counterpressure-firm pressure with the heel of the hand to mother’s lower back during contractions is a great relief technique. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can I help my pregnant wife through her contractions
How can I help my pregnant wife through her contractions
Counterpressure-firm pressure with the heel of the hand to mother’s lower back during contractions is a great relief technique.

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How can I help my wife get through the final bit of her pregnancy?
Q: My wife is 36 weeks pregnant with twins she hasn’t gotten a good night sleep in over a month. Her contraction are about 45 seconds long every 6 or 7 minutes which according to the doctors is not quite labor but close. she is getting really sore and rundown. So my question is can someone give me some tips and pointers to help my wife final days of pregnancy a little more easier. I have already been massaging her feet and back evey night.mummy2georgia thanks for the concern my wife got checked out by her doctor yesterday and he said not yetaf wife I am going to run the recliner idea by my wife tonight I can move the one we have in the nursery into the bed roomRalph for the next 2 ½ years until were ready to have another baby I will be yelling go go gadget blanks
A: Well first off let me just say that you are a WONDERFUL husband just by asking this question ;o) Just help her as much as you can. . And try to help her focus on how wonderful it will be when the babies come. The last month seems the longest but just try to do things together that will help pass the time. Go for walks together (walking will help alot if she feels up to it) Watch her favorite shows with her, get her a good book if she likes to read. But mostly just listen when she needs you too and be patient with her. Also, try getting her several pillows. I had to have one behind my back, one up under my belly and on between my legs. ;o) It was the only way I could get comfortable enough to sleep. But the last couple of weeks I had to sleep in the recliner. So just experiment with different ways to make her more comfortable. But definitely try walking, it will help relax her muscles. Congrats on the twins and make you take care of yourself too because your wife will need you even more once the babies get here.
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