Does your discharge change when you become pregnant

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More Answers to “Does your discharge change when you become pregnant
Does the consistency of discharge change when you become pregnant…?
yes it gets thicker, gooyer and its white and orderless. tends to be more but i think it depends on the day, its not always going to be there but most of the time there is always a little and yes, well mine does at least, it feels like peri…

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Does your discharge usually change when you become pregnant?
Q: Okay.. i have been thinking that i was pregnant for a month now… i had a few symptoms, mainly really sore breasts (which isn’t normal for me).. i had spotting about a week after intercourse it lasted about 4 or 5 days, and then i had a yellowish discharge.. it wasn’t thick or have an odor it just was a light yellow… and then my period was 6 six days late… i feel very odd. i took a few tests after my period was due and they were negative.. my period only lasted for 3 days followed by one of light spotting, normally it lasts for about 5 days… i was just wondering if your discharge changes when you become pregnant?
A: It can yes, especially since you don’t ovulate when you’re pregnant, so you won’t get that kind of discharge. I can imagine it would be a lot like the discharge when you’re on the pill. Never opaque, just clear and sticky. I’ve never had yellow discharge, that sounds a bit odd…You need to see your doctor anyways, since you’re missing your period and testing negative for pregnancy…
Need to know! How does your discharge change when you become pregnant?
A: The amount it comes in changed for me. It still looks like regular discharge. Somedays I just get more discharge then usual. It can go on for several days, and then I’ll have about a week or two with little to no discharge.
Does the consistency of discharge change when you become pregnant?
Q: Does it get thicker? Is there more or less? And when your uterus begins to expand does it hurt?
A: yes it gets thicker, gooyer and its white and orderless. tends to be more but i think it depends on the day, its not always going to be there but most of the time there is always a little and yes, well mine does at least, it feels like period cramps, i can feel it stretching, it hurts and is uncomfertable sometimes it gets me by surprise and i have to stop in my tracks and others its when im lying in bed i can feel it stretching, its like a couple weeks go by then bam you wake up and your stomach is bigger and then a couple more weeks go by and you wake up again and its even bigger lolidk everyone is different but with my pregnancy that’s what iv noticed.
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