Does Forrest Gump get aids

Health related question in topics Movies .We found some answers as below for this question “Does Forrest Gump get aids”,you can compare them.

No, he “hooked up” with Jenny before she had aids & he got her pregnant. Jenny died of AIDS & he raised little Forest. ChaCha [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does Forrest Gump get aids
How did Jenny get AIDS on Forrest Gump
The way that Jenny gets sick, or what actual illness she has, is never specified in the movie, though it is assumed to be AIDS.
Did Jenny die from AIDS in Forrest Gump?
I was under the impression it was AIDS. Wasn’t the time set in the 80s when she got sick? Also, i thought she referred to having some new illness that little was known about.
Did Jenny from ‘Forrest Gump’ die from AIDS?
It was implied but never told. She died before the AIDS virus got it’s name. look at the date on the tombstone.

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I have a question about the movie Forrest Gump?
Q: You know how Jenny and Forrest slept together, and Jenny got pregnant with Little Forest? Well since they weren’t using protection if she got pregant, and then Jenny said she had a virus and was very sick and the doctor’s couldn’t do anything and she had a history of drug use, it was probably AIDS (that’s what I’ve always assumed it was anyways and that’s what people say) then didn’t Forrest get AIDS after sleeping with Jenny without protection?
A: He did, but just not in the movie Forrest Gump… took a while to hit him in the movie Philadelphia!!
I just watched Forrest Gump. At the end of the movie his girlfriend died from having aids.?
Q: did she already have aids when she had sex with him and got pregnant with his son? And why didn’t their son get the virus from her and why didn’t Forrest get the virus?
A: She led a very promiscuous lifestyle before they got together. The movie isn’t very fresh on my mind but I believe this was during a long period when they were apart. Also, we can’t rule out the “Well, it is just a movie…” explanation…
Forrest Gump>>Question..?
Q: Okk.Heres a forrest gump question–If jenny was “sick” [(With AIDS &&+ died from it)]then what happened to forrest?did he gets AIDS, too?since he had a kid with jenny..Just asking because we were discussing this in classMy teacher said it was aids
A: Pretty sure her death alluded to AIDS. All that needle sharing she did.It is possible for people to have sexual intercourse with a person infected with HIV/AIDS and not contract the virus. It’s also possible for a child to be born free of the virus.This doesn’t mean go out and have unprotected sex with people with HIV.
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