Can you take a pregnancy test to see if you are pregnant If still have a period

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You can take a pregnancy test at any time. Someone do experience their period while pregnant. You should test in the morning. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you take a pregnancy test to see if you are pregnant If still have a period
Can you take a pregnancy test to see if you are pregnant If still…?
You can take a pregnancy test at any time. Someone do experience their period while pregnant. You should test in the morning.

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Q: I got my period but my doctor thinks i might be pregnant he wants me to come and see him in 3 weeks…but can i still take an at home pregnancy test and will it be accurate?
A: yup, just as long as you have enough hcg(some woman have low hcg) a pregnancy test will pick it up no matter what!
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A: You can have more thsn one period and be pregnant. When you take a pregnancy test the test goes by the pregnancy hormone in your pee. If you have had two positives i would say you are pregnant and congratulations.
Is there a chance you can take a pregnancy test and it come back negative and you still be pregnant?
Q: about 2 weeks ago me and my boyfriend had sex, but about 2 weeks before that we fulled around and he penis was down in that area, well my period isnt expected for another 2 weeks, and well my boobs have recently started hurting so bad i cant even barely hug my boyfriend, and i NEVER get cramps with my period i have never got them.. well lately my stomach craps like crazy, and sorry this might sound bad but at first i just thought i needed to use the bathroom, well i didnt.. and when i actually have to use the bathroom and i have to go bad its like nothing wants to happen….. i was just wondering if i could still be pregnant, because we want this baby… he wants me to take another test in two weeks just to see.. because after this negative one im dead set that im not but he is still determined i am… can someone help methanks
A: You could have gotten a false negative.
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