Can you still be pregnant even if you start your period

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If it was truely your period you would not be pregnant, although there are other issues that make you bleed while pregnant. ChaCha [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you still be pregnant even if you start your period
Can you still be pregnant even if you started your period?
Most likely not.
Could you still be pregnant even if you start your period?
Can you get pregnant during your period? The debate on whether or not a woman can get pregnant during her period has been going on for decades now. Just like every woman is different, so are her hormonal balances and hence her menstrual cy…
Could I still be pregnant even though i started my period??
no because what you need for a pregnancy is coming out of you.your period is the lining of your uterus being shed.a fertilized egg needs the lining to implant.the fact that you have your period means the egg was never fertilized that’s how …

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Can you start your period after miscarriage even if you still show a positive pregnancy test?
Q: Can you start your period after miscarriage even if you still show a positive pregnancy test?I miscarried two months ago,and I was 9 weeks pregnant. Im still showing Positive on PG tests,but I know I am about to start,I can feel it. I used Clearblue Easy test 4 times,and each time was positive,faintly. Has anyone had a period after a miscarriage and how long did it take to come? Can you get a period if your still showing positive PG Test?
A: I miscarried at 11 weeks, and I had my period exactly 4 weeks later. I got pregnant right after that, and had a positive pregnancy test at 4 days before my next period was due. I did not have a positive pregnancy test 2 weeks after my miscarriage when I went back to the hospital so they could do an ultrasound and make sure that everything had cleaned itself out. I still freaked out thinking I had just convinced myself because I wanted it so badly. My previous pregnancies had taken at least 1.5 years to conceive. I went and had a blood test to make sure. People told me I would be more likely to get pregnant since everything in my uterus was clean, and my body still had the hormones raging that help maintain pregnancy. I thought they were just trying to make me feel better, but Now I have a beautiful 2.5 year old daughter! You should see your doctor, because you should not be testing positive anymore! If you have more questions, or just wanna talk, email me!
having period still while pregnant?
Q: Is it true that you can still be pregnant even if you continue to have your period? I knew someone that it happened to, and she was spotting throughout five months. I heard that it was possible if you have sex right before you’re supposed to start your period. If anyone knows the answer to this, can you tell me the time period between having sex and actually starting your period that would make this happen (ex: “you can still be pregnant if you have sexual intercourse 24 hours before you start your period)
A: ok look, you are being mislead and misinformed. You dont get a period while you are pregnant, end of story. its impossible to continue ovulation while you are pregnant.What some woman have had or do have, including myself, is what they call early pregnancy bleeding. it can be mistaken for a period, and usually happens in the begining months of pregnancy. I didnt find out i was pregnant with my first untill i was 3 months because i thought i was still getting my period, but it was a little off is all.It dosnt matter when you have sex, it matters when you ovulate, that is what gets you pregnant and the bleeding that some woman have, has nothing to do with when they got pregnant or had sex.
is it possible to be pregnant even if you have started your period?
Q: I have taken several different pregnancy tests and they have come back positive, went to the doctor for a blood test and that test came back negative. Could that test have been wrong? I have started my period but still suspect that I may be pregnant. Can someone, anyone please help!!
A: Hm…that is strange. I have never heard of such. Maybe you should talk to the Dr. again and ask them because I have heard some old wives tales of women that have had a period and they are still pregnant. But it is extremely rare. Like 1:150,000! Maybe you are that one or maybe the test was just wrong. Either way good luck to you sweetie!
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