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Can you have your period when you’re pregnant and if you do will your period be shorter

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A:You cannot have your period and to be pregnant at the same time you can have vaginal bleeding and be pregnant. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/can-you-have-your-period-when-you%27re-pregnant-and-if-you-do-will-your-period-be-shorter ]
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Can you have your period when you’re pregnant and if you do will …?
You cannot have your period and to be pregnant at the same time you can have vaginal bleeding and be pregnant.

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When would you tell that you’re pregnant when your husband wants to before you do?
Q: Last month 1/10, I had I guess a chemical pregnancy, positive hpt and then got my period a couple days later, I was devastated. Then on 2/5. lo and behold I get another positive test-confirmed independently by doctor’s pee and blood test. I already had a scare because the first hcg blood test came back freakishly low, then totally normal 2 days later which made my doctor think the first lab messed up. She also put me on progesterone when she found out how short my cycles have become because she’s afraid my luteal phase is too short. My husband and I work in the same office. I telecommute 3 days a week. Today he came home and mentioned he told someone at work I am pregnant. I have told a few people but I am trying to keep it quiet after what happened last time. He could tell I was upset with him and felt pretty bad about it, now I feel bad. He is just so excited to be having another baby, we told everyone when we were expecting my son and now I am all funny about it, Also my mom keeps saying I should not tell as if it will curse the fates. She wouldn;t even tell her sunday school class to pray for the baby, just say pray for Erin and Robert in their wishes to have another baby and said God would know what they meant. People at work etc are already noticing how horribly tired I am and can tell I don’t feel good and are getting concerned.Any advice on the matter?
A: i had a miscarriage last july and told everyone i was pregnant as soon as i found out, then had the miscarriage, i fealt terrible, especially that everyone knew and that i would have had to tell everyone the bad news. i fell pregnant again in October and told noone but a few close people until i was 13 weeks pregnant (because it’s second trimester it’s a lot less risky) now im 18 weeks and everythings fine. If you can just try and keep it as low key as possible util around then, i know it’s an exciting time for you and good luck 🙂
Pregnancy Ed for Teens: “Can I get pregnant from this: I was naked and he was dressed.” ?
Q: Is it just me who is getting rather annoyed of ‘am I pregnant’ stories. I don’t mind the ones where I can help them realize that there is zero chance they’d experence symptoms 2 days after sex, or how long it would take to be able to get an accurate pregnancy test reading. It’s just I’m sick of all these questions about being pregnant from dry sex. Or how the penis just touched them, and they are positive they are pregnant from pre-cum.Please stop worrying. When you grow up you’re realize that you can’t worry about pregnancy every time you come close or experience a sexual experience. You can not experience anything a week after the incident, and your stomach IS NOT getting bigger even though you had unprotected sex 6 days ago. Your stomach starts showing at 3 months. http://www.babies.sutterhealth.org/babygrowth/fetaldev/index.htmlIf you don’t want to be parents, no matter how much you ‘get into the moment’ you use common sense and wear a condom. You do not try for a baby for unconditional love, to trap a boyfriend or cause you want the attention. You need to be financial sound. You need to have a job. You need to have a place of your own. Getting pregnant on purpose and living at home is selfish. You need to realize the pressure you’re putting on the family. Not just financial but mentally. A baby is a big deal.If you got pregnant on accident, it’s going to be okay. Tell your parents as soon as possible. Delaying the talk will just prove your not ready for a baby, or any responsiblity. If you decided to keep the baby, your parents can not force you to abort, but you do need to step up and get a job to afford the baby. Your sexual partner will need to step up to. It’s a two way street. http://www.babycenter.com/cost-of-raising-child-calculatorhttp://www.teenageparent.org/english/costofbaby2B.htmlhttp://www.i-am-pregnant.com/encyclopedia/B/Baby-Cost-Calculator/http://www.babyzone.com/cost-of-baby-calculator/Be smart about it. Buy some Teen Sex Ed books and use common sense. And please stop concluding you’re pregnant just cause you had unprotected sex, because you ‘feel pregnant’, your period was lighter, shorter, a little early or late or cause you have the ‘pregnancy symptoms’. Pregnancy symptoms are related to SO many health issues. The only symptom you should be seriously worried about is being OVER a week late. http://www.americanpregnancy.org/gettingpregnant/earlypregnancysymptoms.html✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀I understand about worrying about pregnancy if you just started to have sex, but you really can’t just always find any excuse to back up why you think your pregnant. If you always worry, the rest of your life will be very stressful. Remember, being late is the only real symptoms to conclude your period.http://www.babycenter.com/404_can-you-be-pregnant-and-still-get-your-period_7102.bc✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀To those who believed they were pregnant when they were teens. Looking back, why did you think you were pregnant?Were you?How many times did you think you were pregnant?✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀In total. I did about 5 times. When I started to get sexually active, I never worried about pregnancy cause we used protection and birth control. When I was 17, I was 11 days late before I got my period. The 2nd time I was 18, and 6 days late. The 3rd time I was 20 and we decided to stop using condoms. (I had stopped Birth Control at 18) I thought people automatically got pregnany when they weren’t safe. The 2nd month of being unprotected I thougth pregnancy too. I had nothing to think I was. I was just being naive.
A: I WANNA PLAY I WANNA PLAY! lol”We dry humped and he said he had cum in his pants. Will I get pregnant for rubbing up against him but he still had his pants on?”
For the young teens that do not understand your menstrual . . . .?
Q: I feel a need to inform you of the facts.What goes on in that miraculous body of yours in any given 28 days? Read on. The very short version:Egg ripens. Egg leaves ovary. Egg travels down the fallopian tube toward uterus. If egg goes unfertilized, you get your period. The long version: Day 1: Your period starts.For whatever reason, Day 1 of your cycle is counted as the first day you see that telltale spot of blood. Generally this happens every 28 days or so (though like everything else, cycles vary by person). If in that time the egg in your uterus does not get fertilized by a sperm, the egg disintegrates and is expelled from your body. On Day 1, your cramps are probably at their worst as your uterus contracts to push out the egg and the cells and blood that nurtured and fed the egg as it grew. Day 1 to 14: Called the estrogen phase of the menstrual cycle.The day you get your period, your body’s estrogen level is at its lowest, and from there it starts to go up. Your brain sends a signal to your pituitary gland, which releases a hormone called FSH, or Follicle Stimulating Hormone. When the follicles in your ovaries sense the FSH, they munch happily away at it. This makes them produce estrogen. The estrogen causes one of the hundreds of tiny, slumbering eggs inside the ovaries to start developing. Day 2-5: Bleeding, bleeding, bleeding.Less so each day. Day 6: Egg be gone!The bleeding has usually stopped by now. Meanwhile, the stimulated, FSH-happy egg is maturing and getting ready for ovulation. Day 7-12: La, la, la, you go about your life.The egg, meanwhile, is growing, and the follicle is expanding to accommodate it. The follicle is still producing estrogen, which makes the lining of your uterus nice and puffy and spongy–if you were to get pregnant, this lining would provide the fertilized egg with the food it needs to grow into a baby. Day 13-14: Ovulation!!The new egg has reached maturity and exits the follicle just rarin’ to go. You might actually feel it when you ovulate–a little twinge or cramp in your lower abdomen or back. It’s called mittelschmerz, which is German for “middle pain.” You may see a teeny drop of blood. This is probably fine, but if you’re concerned, see your doctor. Your body temperature rises up to one degree and stays up until you get your period. The natural mucus covering your cervix (the entrance to your uterus) starts to thin out so the sperm can get through and fertilize the egg. Day 15-18: The egg takes a trip.The days when the egg travels down the fallopian tube, usually Days 12-17 or so, are when you’re most likely to get pregnant. While the egg’s in the tube, your estrogen level drops again and the follicles begin producing progesterone. Unsurprisingly, this is called the progesterone phase. Day 19-20: Your uterus prepares for pregnancy. The progesterone makes the fluid around your cervix thicken up again and tells your uterus to build up the protein, sugar and blood necessary to nourish a fertilized egg. Progesterone is a big ingredient in PMS, so you may start feeling a little crabby and your skin might break out a little. Day 21-28: The progesterone and estrogen are still increasing, so you may feel soreness in your breasts, bloating and food cravings. One theory holds that your body hankers for carbohydrates because they’d come in handy if you were indeed pregnant. You might want to avoid salt right now, because if you’re bloated already, salt will make you retain even more water. If the egg remains unfertilized, your estrogen and progesterone levels drop, and both the egg and the endometrium dissolve. Cramps begin, bringing you back to Day 1: Your period starts.
A: man! my sex ed teacher needs to learn from you!!! Thanks for the information
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