Can you get period cramps when your pregnant

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You may experience similar cramping during pregnancy. Thanks for using ChaCha. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you get period cramps when your pregnant
Can you get period cramping when pregnant?
it could be implantation cramps, if so you may get some spotting, but it may also be period pain too. You will just have to wait to see if you period comes or not, goodluck!
When your pregnant, do you still get period cramps??
Like the other person said some do and some don’t? My wife did not get any when she was pregnant but she was told she couldn’t get pregnant due to a medical problem? Hope my answer was helpful?
Did you get period cramps when you got pregnant?
yes ! I just found out I was pregnant about 2 weeks ago and I’m about 7 weeks along now & I have had cramps that feel like period cramps the entire time, that’s why when I was first late for my period I didn’t think anything of it becau…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

If you are pregnant, will you have period cramps when your first period is supposed to start?
Q: I usually have period cramps when I have my period. We are trying to get pregnant I am 3 days late. I feel like maybe I could be pregnant but I woke up today with cramps. There is no sign of a period besides the cramps. Can you have cramps or other symptoms of pms during your first missed period?
A: Yes, You may be pregnant.The cramps you are having may be implantation crapms, which are very similar to period pains. It is when the egg attatches its self on the lining of your womb, This usualy occurs 7-10 days after conception.Good luck sweety x
If you are pregnant, will you have period cramps when your first missed period is supposed to start?
Q: I usually have period cramps when I have my period. We are trying to get pregnant I am 3 days late. I feel like maybe I could be pregnant but I woke up today with cramps. There is no sign of a period besides the cramps. Can you have cramps or other symptoms of pms during your first missed period?
A: I am 7 months pregnant now and that is exactly what happened to me. I thought I was going to start because I had cramps. It was like this for about a week, and still nothing-So I took a test and it was postitive- I didn’t believe it at first so I took another one, and got postive again..Congrats if yes, and good luck if no.
It is common to get period cramps without getting your period it when you are 1 month pregnant?
Q: I just found out that I am pregnant about 7 hours ago! I am so happy, but for the last 4 days I have been getting cramps that feel like period cramps. I am late for my period, but I am nervous because I have only taken a home pregnancy test, it says it was 99.9% accurate. I am going to the doctor for a real test on Monday, but I am wondering how common it is for women to feel period cramps, I also have breast tenderness. Also, I am on the medication Metformin for insulin resistance, can that cause a false positve? Should I not let myself get too excited? By the way, I all the sudden have no appitite, which is strange for me and some foods taste different (I’m not sure if this has anything to do with it, just letting you know, lol). Thanks!
A: it sure is common, I did with both my pregnancies, it feels like your period is about to start any time. Relax it will be ok :)BTW your symptoms are common pregnacy symptoms and sore breasts are a classic one Congrats!!
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