Can a woman still have her period if she is pregnant

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Yes, a woman can experience bleeding. Many women experience light vaginal bleeding during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can a woman still have her period if she is pregnant
When a woman is pregnant can she still have a period?
If you’re truly pregnant, then you can’t have a period. Some pregnant women mistake their period for implantation bleeding.
Can a woman be pregnant when she still got her period??
some woman can have a bleed while pregnant it is different to your normal period some woman can have this for about three months but some woman can bled all the way through there pregnancy and the bleeding will start the day your period wou…
Could a 44 yr old woman get prenant if she still has her period??
Yup she can still get pregnant at 44 with a 52 year old bf.

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Can a woman still get her period while being pregnant?
Q: Its been a month my friend had sex while being on her rag, and she did get her rag but she did not get cramps or anything that normally woman will get or she would get while being on it, is it possible you can be preg and still get your rag? idk what to tell her, she sais shes not but i want to be sure of that cause what if she is and she does the stuff she used to do alot drink and all, she has been getting this headaches and wanting t vomit for the past month, if shes not preg then why is she getting this?
A: not possible..
When a woman is pregnant and still has her period can she or will she have blood clots?
Q: I don’t know if I’m pregnant or not I wanted to wait to see if I had a period before I took a pregnancy test but then I came on my period like 6 days late which is very unusal with me.Alot of my friends and family before I started my period and now are still telling me I look and act like I’m pregnant but I don’t want to take a test and be disappointed it’s disappointing enough just to have a period or what I think is one the thing is I know alot and know of alot of women that still came on their period after being pregnant my period is very different then normal.I’m very light for me I can use one regular pad at day and I’ve been bleeding for three days now I’ve never had a period this light,But I’m still having blood clots not a lot like usaul just one here or there and they are very small.So I was just wondering do anyone think there’s is a chance I may be pregnant or does the blood clots different mean I’m not pregnant.
A: A pregnant woman does not have a period. If you’re concerned about bleeding, see a doctor.
Can a woman be pregnant and still have period? If so how long will she get her period during her pregnancy?
A: The human body is a strange thing, so I wouldn’t rule it out. Spotting is common in the first month or so of pregnancy, but anything heavier than that should be told to your gynecologist – it is probably an indicator of a problem.
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