Are cramps normal at 10 weeks pregnant

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Slight cramps during pregnancy is normal due to your uterus growing. If you start to bleed though you need to see a doctor. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Are cramps normal at 10 weeks pregnant
Is vaginal cramping normal in early (10 weeks) pregnancy??
well if you are having green discharge you have an std or an infection..get another dr who will test you properly…the itching and stinging when you pee i have that sometimes..from all the increased blood flow to that area..i get inflammed…
Is it normal to have cramping at 10 weeks pregnant?
Yep, totally normal! Most women (including me) have cramping during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. It is caused by your uterus stretching and making room for your baby. The only time you should worry about it is if you have b…

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Nausea Cramps and Backache at 15 weeks pregnant is this normal?
Q: I don’t know what is going on, I have been pretty lucky with my pregnancy so far with some mild cramping and back pain earlier between 6-10 weeks with some nausea at night but it has been great the past 5 weeks or so. The past couple of days have been terrible with really bad cramping (only when I stand up… I am okay if I am sitting or lying down) and bad lower back pain constantly with some mild nausea that comes and goes throughout the day. Anyone else had this? Is it normal?
A: its normal for some mild cramping. the nausea and back ache is completely normal. when i was pregnant with my son, i had back ache throughout most to all of my pregnancy, it sucked. the nasuea i had only at night for the first two-three months, then it went away. and it will in due time, but then again there are some women who have it throughout their whole pregnancy. personally with the mild cramping i would contact your doctor to make sure everything is ok. you might need to go in and get checked out
Is it normal to have cramping at 10 weeks pregnant?
Q: I’m currently 10 weeks pregnant and I had some cramping during very early pregnancy. My symptoms had decreased/ gone away for two or more weeks now. I’ve had a little vomiting and nausea sometimes but still have sore breast some. Today when I woke from a nap I had bad cramping and diarrhea. They weren’t horrible cramps or cramps bad enough to go to the ER. To me they seemed similar to period cramps. Well after about three or four trips to the bathroom my cramping went away but I still feel bloated with light cramping from time to time. I haven’t had a ultrasound yet but I’m wondering if this is like a stomach bug, something normal during pregnancy, or could I be having a possible miscarriage again. I had a miscarriage in March of this year at 10 weeks so i’m nervous the same thing will happen again. Please help!!
A: Yep, totally normal! Most women (including me) have cramping during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. It is caused by your uterus stretching and making room for your baby. The only time you should worry about it is if you have bleeding with the cramping or if the cramping is painful or very intense. Good luck and congrats! 🙂
Is it normal not to have any cramps or discharge at 7 weeks pregnant?
Q: I am about 7and a half weeks pregnant and I have not been experiencing any cramps or discharge the past 2 days. I am concerned since I have had a miscariage at about 10 weeks in December of 08. I just want to know if this has happened to any of you.
A: Yes this is very normal, unless you have bleeding and cramps you can’t handle then you are fine. Your uterus is growing so you will have a little cramping. It will only last a couple of weeks longer.
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