Would a cough drop harm a baby

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “Would a cough drop harm a baby”,you can compare them.

You should never give a baby a normal cough drop, as they can choke to death on them easily. Instead, try to find some cough syrup recommended for babies. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/would-a-cough-drop-harm-a-baby ]
More Answers to “Would a cough drop harm a baby
Would a cough drop harm a baby
You should never give a baby a normal cough drop, as they can choke to death on them easily. Instead, try to find some cough syrup recommended for babies.
Is it safe to put a cough drop in a 10 month old baby’s bottle??
I wouldn’t. It’s not recommended that any child get cough/cold medication if they are under the age of 4. “Last year the FDA decided that over-the-counter cough and cold medicines should no longer be used for infants and toddlers und…
How many ml (drops)of Ambroxol Mucosolvan should I give to my bab…?
Let a doctor diagnose whether or not your baby needs ambroxol before medicating your child. I wouldn’t mess around with asking Yahoo answers for a question this important.

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When I was 7 weeks pregnant I got a cold so I took cough drops for a week…Can cough drops harm the baby?
Q: I was so sick and took cough drops the lemon honey kind and I just read the label that if your pregnant you need to consult it first with your Doctor…Why?What are the side effects on me or the baby?I’m like sooooooooo scared right now :(Thanks
A: I was told by my doctor that the Halls cough drops are ok for me to have. But I would not worry to much, just ask the doctor or the pharmacy if these are ok. Remember always talk to your doctor or a health care professional before taking any meds.But you should be fine.
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Q: when i ate the cough drop well both of them i spit out i didnt swallow it and now im scared cuz im pregnant help me plz will it harm my baby?? im 10wks
A: Your baby will be fine! It’s easy to forget what you can and cant eat when you’re pregnant. Dont worry about it!
37 weeks pregnant, will it harm my baby if I took a cough drop for sore throat and painful cough?
A: Its not harmful.the first 3 months of the pregnancy are critical for fetus because of organogenesis(development of baby organs ).some drugs such as Indomethacin can be harmful in the last 3 months of pregnancy but the cough drop such as clobutinol are safe.of course it will be very safe if you visit your doc for correct prescription.
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