Why am I having a lot of spit and saliva

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There are many reasons why you may have a lot of spit and saliva. In women, pregnancy can cause that condition. Also, greasy foods, spicy foods, acid problem, and excessive gas can cause that problem. ChaCha on. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-am-i-having-a-lot-of-spit-and-saliva ]
More Answers to “Why am I having a lot of spit and saliva
Why am I having a lot of spit and saliva
There are many reasons why you may have a lot of spit and saliva. In women, pregnancy can cause that condition. Also, greasy foods, spicy foods, acid problem, and excessive gas can cause that problem. ChaCha on.

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Q: When i drank beer i started to produce a lot of spit (saliva) in my mouth. It was like having a water fountain in my mouth.why does that happen?what does it mean when im drinking beer and i start to produce a weird amount of saliva?
A: In the mouth carbohydrate digestion starts. Salivary amylase (in spit) breaksdown carbohydrates to simpler sugars (disaccharides and trisaccharides.As all beer and sour and spicy food are acidic saliva which somewhat neutralize it easier to be digested and absorbed in mouth and then in stomach and intestine .That is why it produces lot of saliva.
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A: Try drinking more water actually. Your mouth could be drying out and your body is trying to moisten it
pregnant women sometimes spit a lot cos they cant control it, am 4 mnths and still spit constantly,any help?
Q: like earlier said, spitting (saliva from the mouth) can we please answer it objectively, i never said i spit on the floor or on people, but the urge of always going to the wash basin to spit regularly, is what one must stop. Anyway, i know up to 20 people that have faced this but not all have ways to stop it.Thanks Blue for your answer.
A: I’m sorry that you have “the spits”. Contrary to what some others are saying this is more common in prego women than some people know. I am now 38 weeks and I still spit. Not as much as I did in the beginning but I still do it throughout the night. It should slow down soon being that you are 4 months. I used to carry a trash can with me everywhere (but I also suffered from hyperemesis) and then I switched to carrying a plastic cup to spit in while I was out and about. Yea its gross but people understand when you are pregnant and I’ve even had a couple of people come up to me and say “you have the spits..I had them too”. So carry a little plastic (disposable) cup with you and napkins when you go out. I also sucked on sunflower seeds to help dry out my mouth. And now I chew either sour or cinammon gum to help me swallow. Drink plenty of fluids because you can become dehydrated from too much spitting ( I was in the hospital twice for this reason). Type into google “spitting while pregnant” and sites will come up that can offer other suggestions. I’m sorry that you have what we call “the spits”, but know that you are not alone!
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