What vitamins help clear skin

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Vitamin K. As the nutrient responsible for helping blood clot, it won’t do much for your skin from the inside. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-vitamins-help-clear-skin ]
More Answers to “What vitamins help clear skin
What are good vitamins to take to help promote healthy, clear ski…?
Hair, Skin, & Nails! GNC makes a vitamin called that and it’s specifically formulated to promote the health of those things. You should check it out. Also the people working in the store should be able to give you good info, too.
Is vitamin A or Vitamin E better for helping to get clear skin??
Yes of course, you just eat orange, but for vitamin A for helping to get clear eyes, like carrots.
Is there a certain vitamin that can help for clear/healthy skin??
Vitamin A – my dermatologist told me to take it for mild acne

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What vitamins have been proved for hair growth? I looking for vitamins that clear skin and grow hair and nails?
Q: Im just looking for a vitamin that has been proved to help hair growth, and what is the best brand of vitamins.DO NOT TELL ME ABOUT PREGNANT PiLLS IM NOT PREGNANT AND DO NOT WISH THAT TO TAKE THEM
A: Nutrilite Vitamins are the best, get some at http://spierce10.qhealthzone.com They have a wide variety of quality suppliments all made from organic material.
Do vitamins work for clear skin?
Q: oh my goodness gracious, my skin is annoying!! I use all these products and the pimples barely get smaller and fewer, and my mom says it isn’t bad enough to see a dermatologist(grrrr), I have heard taking vitamins helps clear skin a bit(and make hair and nails longer), is that true? PS-are the gummy kind just as good as the tablet kind? Or is there a difference or something.
A: Vitamins`alone are not going to get you a clear skin. It’s most important to stop using all those skin sickening chemical containing products. I did that and almost immediately my skin started clearing. The only product I use is a pure soap bar with no chemicals, no additives. no coloring, no fragrances of any kind. I use on skin and for hair washing. Shampoos are some of the most skin harming(and hair and scalp harming) products. I got completely and permanently rid of pimples and all my skin conditions using the safe natural treatment given in this answer.http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AnZ_kBhWHsr7PVjUXRVlDfHsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090829093208AAnXhTN&show=7#profile-info-bce368671d3b7b8ac
Has anyone ever found vitamins for clear skin to be useful?
Q: I’ve heard that taking vitamins for your skin helps improve the texture, skin tone, and prevent breakouts is this true? If so, what is good to take? Is Zenmed any good? I’m trying it now and I’d like some feedback so I know whether to purchase more as its very expensive ($30/90pills +s/h). I break out around the same time every month and I’d like a little more control over it. Also, I need help with acne scarring! Please help.I break out during my menstrul cycle. So its definitely hormones.
A: Surprisingly Vitamin E is good for the skin and for scar prevention. My hubby had surgery and the doctor told him to apply it twice a day.If you are breaking out at the same time each month, your problem is hormonal. Go see a gyn for correction help!
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