What type of pain does hydrocodone relieve

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Hydrocodone is in a group of drugs called narcotic pain relievers. It is used to relieve moderate to severe pain. ChaCha-on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-type-of-pain-does-hydrocodone-relieve ]
More Answers to “What type of pain does hydrocodone relieve
Can hydrocodone relieve headache pain?
The chances are greater that you will experience rebound headaches from opiates such as hydrocodone than they are if you try to combat headaches with these types of drugs. However, it has been reported that a small number of headache suffer…
How does Hydrocodone help relieve pain? If pain persists how do y…?
“It acts as an opiate which interferes with the pain receptors in the brain and spinal cord” Here’s a semi-technical explanation of how it relieves pain: Hydrocodone is a semi-synthetic opioid derived from two of the naturally occ…
How long does hydrocodone 7.5 take to relieve pain?
I take three a day….and I usually begin to feel relief after about 25 minutes…..but that depends entirely whether or not I have eaten…then it slows it down a tad.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Extreme Pain – Hydrocodone question please?
Q: I have unbearable pain in the right side of my face from a wisdom tooth that I should’ve had out a long time ago. I took a hydrocodone and a half. This was an hour ago. The pain is still unbearable. The type of hydrocodone says “APAP 5/500MG tablet”. Can/Should I take another half? a whole one? What else can I do to relieve alteast some of the pain?Thanks for any help you people can give….AAAAAAAARRRRRGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!
A: Listen, I been there and i know 4 a fact b/c i have the same thing u do right now-5mg hydrocodone/500mg tylenol is what it is- anyways they go by your body weight-I am 5 foot tall and weigh 95 pounds and i can take TWO of the 5/500 hydrocodone tabs- so yes ya can-Or try one and a half- but for tooth pain i doubt anything less then 2 of them will stop it- Good Luck & and plan on getting them teeth out asap-THATS the only real way to stop that misery ectUnless u are one of the lucky ppl whose grow in! I have only known 2 ppl that didn’t have to have theirs taken out tho 🙁
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