What kind of pill is it if it has a m357 on it

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A pill with M357 and is white will be hydrocodone and acetaminophen with a strength of 5 mg and 500 mg respectively. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-kind-of-pill-is-it-if-it-has-a-m357-on-it ]
More Answers to “What kind of pill is it if it has a m357 on it
What pill has M357…?
It is a Lortab which is generic for 5 mg Hydrocodone/500 mg acetominophen Don’t know how it compares to soma
How much for street value on vicodin m357?
aound cabell county,wv its anywhere form 3-5 ID say tho its different in places aound cabell county,wv its anywhere form 3-5 ID say tho its different in places
What is street value of vicodin?
It depends on the milligram of hydrocodone in the pill. Reports vary, but hydrocodone and oxycodone tend to sell for the same amount mg for mg. For example, a 10 mg vicodin pill could go for anywhere from 3- 5 dollars, with 5 dollars probab…

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Q: I got little white pills marked M357 from my doctor for my neck pain which she called loritab, i get no relief from them. My doctor is also very reluctant to give me any kind of medication but i didn’t even need to ask her for these, it seems like the kind of thing she would do. How can i tell?
A: Loritabs ARE pain medication. They certainly aren’t as potent as others, especially controlled substances. It’s likely your physician does not believe you’re in severe enough pain to require anything stronger. So take a couple motrin along with your loritabs.
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