What is the procedure to remove wisdom teeth

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An oral and maxillofacial surgeon or your dentist can extract a wisdom tooth. It often can be done in the dentist’s office. ChaCha [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-procedure-to-remove-wisdom-teeth ]
More Answers to “What is the procedure to remove wisdom teeth
What is the procedure in removing wisdom teeth?
If done by your regular dentist, they will use local anesthetic. If you choose to go to an oral surgeon, they will do which ever you prefer, local or general anesthesia. Getting teeth pulled by an oral surgeon and general anesthesia is cons…
What sorts of procedures to dentist use to remove wisdom teeth??
Dentists use a lot of very dangerous chemicals called anilines that deaden the nerves and then they pull the teeth. These aniline chemicals like, novacaine, procaine, lidocaine, carbocaine, etc. that are VERY AGGRESSIVELY carcinogenic. Typi…
Why do I have to remove nail polish for wisdom teeth procedure??
If you are having general anesthesia for the procedure, your vital signs will be closely monitored. Although a machine will watch your pulse and oxygen levels, a visual look at your finger nails will tell if your body is getting enough oxyg…

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What is the procedure in removing wisdom teeth?
Q: I need to get my wisdom teeth pulled and i was wondering if there going to totally knock me out or use local antiseptic.
A: If done by your regular dentist, they will use local anesthetic. If you choose to go to an oral surgeon, they will do which ever you prefer, local or general anesthesia. Getting teeth pulled by an oral surgeon and general anesthesia is considerably more expensive than local.
How harmful will the effects of my wisdom teeth procedure be?
Q: Last week I had all four wisdom teeth removed, and I was put under for this. I took pain killers and they also used “laughing gas”. I took two pregnancy tests in the couple weeks before, and both were negative. Today, being another week late, I took a third and it was positive. Could it be false? I am now three weeks late completely. If it is positive, what are the side effects from the procedure? Are they major? Are the percentages for them high?
A: This souldn’t harm the baby. I would let your Dr. know just to double check. Depending on the pain pill it may have been alright to take while pregnant. I know you can take Tylenol 3 and Hydrocodone while pregnant. And being so early along you probably didnt harm anything. Just think of how many people drink and do other things before they find out they are pregnant. And their babies turn out just fine.Good luck
What sorts of procedures to dentist use to remove wisdom teeth?
Q: Stupid question…What sorts of procedures to dentist use to remove wisdom teeth? Do they just pull out the tooth in the way? Or is more surgical than that?
A: Not to worry….The dentist will do whatever is needed to keep you comfortable and remove the teeth…..Modern dentistry is safe……you will be fine.
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