What is the best medicine for heart burn

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the best medicine for heart burn”,you can compare them.

Antacids, such as Maalox, Mylanta, Gelusil, Rolaids & Tums, neutralize stomach acid & can provide quick relief. Tums is used most. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-medicine-for-heart-burn ]
More Answers to “What is the best medicine for heart burn
What is the best way to get rid of heart burn without using medic…?
Avoid caffeine, chocolate, anything acidic like tomatoes, onions, and anything spicy to begin with. To fight you can try ginger tea, spearmint tea, chewing spearmint or peppermint gum (it’s something to do with the mint and your saliva that…
What is the best medicine for heartburn?
The way to get rid of heartburn is to swallow a spoon full of mustard. when your going to eat the spoon full of mustard don’t try to taste it if you don’t like mustard.
Which heartburn/acid reflux medicine works better for you??
I have been using Zantac for about two years now and it works ok but I have to continue to take it every day. I wondered if there was a better option. I have acid reflux that keeps me awake at night and burns during the day.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the best way to get rid of heart burn without using medicine?
Q: I am 9 months pregnant and have horrible heart burn! I can’t sleep; I’ve tried sitting up and standing but nothing is making it stop. HELP!!!Thank you guys both! Im going to try all three, I’d like to get some kind of sleep tonight and right now it feels next to impossible.Thank you all for your responses
A: Avoid caffeine, chocolate, anything acidic like tomatoes, onions, and anything spicy to begin with.To fight you can try ginger tea, spearmint tea, chewing spearmint or peppermint gum (it’s something to do with the mint and your saliva that helps to ease heartburn), or drink milk. Hope this helps.
is it ok to take Advil and heart burn medicine?
Q: I took a heart burn medicine at 8am this morning and then I took to Advil at 3pm, is that bad, can I overdose from those mixtures? I thought it would be safe but I feel like I need to double check.
A: I think you’ll be fine, considering how far apart you spaced them.
Best medicine for heart burn???
Q: I get heart burn daily, so I was wondering what medicine is good for heart burn??? even when i dont eat spicy food i always have it…can you please suggest a good medicine that works well??? thanks :]
A: Liquid chlorophyll and pineapple every day will help as they both promote a healthy digestive environment.
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