What is a example of a level 3 drug

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Level 3 seems to refer more to levels of education and classification of dosages rather than the drugs themselves. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-example-of-a-level-3-drug ]
More Answers to “What is a example of a level 3 drug
What is a example of a level 3 drug
Level 3 seems to refer more to levels of education and classification of dosages rather than the drugs themselves.
Is it legal for NVQ Level 3 to carry out drug rounds??
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Why can’t Cops crack down on Drug Dealers and Gang bangers like a Blitzkerieg?
Q: I’m up late watching the movie Empire – basically about latin drug dealers.Why is it that cops can’t crack down on these f*ckers like stormtroopers raiding villages.Basically, the way I see it, if we had Cops in Swat gear, Kevlar helmets and level 3 body armor- bursting through doors, tossing flashbangs, and flattening dealers with MP5’s , tasers and Colt M-4 assault rifles…dealers would think twice before selling anything. Its not like we’d be violating the constitution…these people are reputed mobsters, racketeers and crime lords costing many American honest citizens their lives.Basically I’d love to basically destroy these people’s lives and make example after example of them. After a number of crushings word on the street would be that the police are no joke. That’s pretty much why countries like China have 1/10th Americas crime rates despite having 8 times the population. The citizens KNOW not to f*ck around.
A: Drug dealers are powerful because of money that they bribe the heads of policemen not to catch them.
drug and alcohol test answers?!?!?
Q: help!!!1. Safety belts are designed to allow the areas of your body to absorb the forces of a crash. a.True b.False2.Most drivers have a reaction time of ______. a. 1.5 seconds b. 3 minutes c. 5 seconds3.Blood alcohol level describes the amount of _____ in a person’s blood expressed as weight per volume. a. alcohol b. sweat c. water4. Impaired drivers do not make dangerous maneuvers in traffic. a.True b.False5.THC influences________ by action on the limbic system of the brain. a. urination b. emotions c. hunger6.Each driving infraction causes ____ to be placed on your license. a. stars b. points c. tickets7. Brakes are not important to the safety of a motor vehicle. a.True b.False8. On long trips, you should take a break from driving every two hours. a.True b.False9.Bicycles are classified as ____________. a. vehicles b. pedestrians c. animals10.Per mile traveled, the number of deaths on motorcycles is about ____ times the number in cars. a. 16 b. 2 c. 611.Almost _____ 16 to 20 year olds were killed or injured in the year 2000. a. 20,000 b. 160,000 c. 1,00012. Signaling well in advance can help reduce the risk of someone running into you from behind. a.True b.False13.In the United States,___________ pedestrians died in the year 2000. a. 4,739 b. 2,000 c. 314. The driver should reduce speed when traveling on a narrow or winding roadway. a.True b.False15.A common depressant is: a. Alcohol b. Cocaine c. Heroin16.Always test you brakes ____ after driving through deep water. a. lightly b. firmly c. with great pressure17.Constantly __________ the road ahead of you to look for possible driving situations. a. scan b. ignore c. procrastinate18.To reduce the risk of someone running into the rear of your vehicle, you should_______. a. check your brake lights often to make sure they are clean and working properly b. ignore what is going on behind you c. both a and b are correct19.A common type of injected drug is: a. heroine b. morphine c. both a and b are correct20.A person with a drinking problem often_____________. a. becomes secretive b. has trouble sleeping c. both a and b are correct21. Hallucinogenic drugs alter driving ability due to causing delayed reaction time of the driver. a.True b.False22._______ account for an abnormally large amount of pedestrian deaths. a. Elderly people b. Babies c. Teenagers23.______ traffic light indicates vehicles may proceed. a. Green b. Red c. Yellow24.You can be found guilty of impaired driving if the state can prove_________. a. you were presumed impaired while driving based on alcohol level b. your ability to hear, see, walk, or talk is below normal standards determined by the state c. both a and b are correct25. Alcohol is a commonly used stimulant. a.True b.False26. It is not your responsibility as a driver to make sure that all children are properly restrained or secured with a safety belt in your vehicle. a.True b.False27.The shift from social drinking to problem drinking has nothing to low with self-esteem. a.True a.False28.It is ____ to drive beside a motorcycle that is in the same lane as you. a. permitted b. illegal c. legal29. Safe following distance depends on road conditions. a.True b.False30.Abusing alcohol and drugs is sometimes an attempt to numb an individual’s real problems. a.True a.False31. Always test your brakes after driving through deep water. a.True b.False32.When the use of a drug goes beyond recreational or occasional, the use has turned to ___________. a. abuse b. dependence c. addiction33._________ is an example of good traffic courtesy. a. Blocking passing lanes b. Using your horn sparingly c. Tailgating34.When passing a motorcycle _________. a. throw dirt or debris on the rider b. cut the rider off c. do not pass so close as to throw debris on the rider35. Greater stopping distance is needed when driving in the rain. a.True b.False36. Drivers who run red lights do not endanger other drivers. a.True b.False37.The amount of tar inhaled by marijuana smokers and the level of carbon monoxide is ________ than among tobacco smokers. a. three to five times greater b. thr37 got cut off37.The amount of tar inhaled by marijuana smokers and the level of carbon monoxide is ________ than among tobacco smokers. a. three to five times greater b. three to five times lower c. no different38.___________ may be the most important factor in collisions. a. Speed b. Brakes c. Speakers39.A common weapon used in traffic altercations is: a. firearm b. motor vehicle c. both a and b are correct40. You must have $10,000 Bodily Injury Liability if you are in a collision and are at fault. a.True b.Falsei did all the ones that i could i just need help wih numbers:1011131621313739and 40thanks for the help i got 2 questions wrongnumber 16 which was band umber 22 which was athanks for the help tho
A: 3. Blood alcohol level describes the amount of _____ in a person’s blood expressed as weight per volume.a. alcohol4. Impaired drivers do not make dangerous maneuvers in traffic.b. False6. Each driving infraction causes ____ to be placed on your license.b. points7. Brakes are not important to the safety of a motor vehicle.b. False8. On long trips, you should take a break from driving every two hours.b. False Truck Drivers must take breaks ever 3.5 hours, I when I was driving professionaly took one ever 5 hours.9. Bicycles are classified as ____________.a. vehicles15. A common depressant is:a. Alcohol19. A common type of injected drug is:c. both a and b are correct23. ______ traffic light indicates vehicles may proceed.a. Green24. You can be found guilty of impaired driving if the state can prove_________.c. both a and b are correct
Is this a good example of federally a controlled health care system?
Q: Legislation was passed in 1994 to fund the Ryan White foundation 100% and called it ADAP (AIDS Drug Assistance Program).The article written guaranteed high profits to pharmaceutical companies and HIV units/clinics and also guaranteed all HIV people will only be treated by “medical personnel with their primary office in an ADAP approved clinic or unit.” No other diease has these guarantees and one can seek stabilization anywhere in the USA where as those with HIV/AIDS must migrate to states that have clinics (and this gives the false illusion that some states have no incidence of HIV while others such as NY and NJ maintain a high rate of infections).Currently 790 billion dollars annually of federal tax dollars (not including state or non profit) is designated to HIV/AIDS. Our tax dollars pays for research, lobbied guaranteed high profits for (“experimental drugs” that each infected person releases all involved from responsibility of side effects) and health care to a select population (women, children, men under 24 years old, men with a dependant child or married).Bill Clinton’s non-profit HIV organization lobbies for the same drugs (that our tax dollar pays $900 – $3000 per drug/per infected person/ per month living in the USA) to be sold to Africa for $80 or close to double the actual cost of producing each drug and “Former U.S. President Bill Clinton’s foundation will begin by August giving drugs, diagnostic equipment and hospital management expertise to China to ease its HIV/AIDS problem, a program director said Thursday.” Clinton Foundation to help China with AIDS problem BEIJING, June 17 Kyodo, 2004. Can be viewed at Bnet.com Since ADAP guarantees high fixed prices for HIV treatment (regulates that non-HIV approved medical staff may not treat HIV) an average person who is diagnosed with HIV cannot afford to compete with ADAP’s prices nor can many insurance companies that are allowed to drop customers because there is a special federally funded insurance plan, ADAP, BUT ADAP requires that to be eligible, ones household income must be less than 200% of national poverty level and that person must live in the district of an approved ADAP clinic.Questions: (This is not rhetorical, I would like someone with similar knowledge to tell me your take on this).1)Isn’t the reason most people with HIV/AIDS are poor is because of our government health plan since 1994? Do we want to do this for all diseases?2)Why does Bill Clinton promote America paying for the entire world’s treatment of HIV while allowing our own nation to regulate where one must live to get treated or if a single adult male- not get treated.3)Isn’t this a good example of a federally funded health plan? (Every state can have a state bird and a state disease).**If you are going to argue these facts please look up ADAP at sights such as AVERT.ORG or research it, rather than crossing your fingers and hoping the person you are voting for wouldn’t enforce such an injustice and making a comment such as “you need to understand health care billing better”.Bill Clinton was seeking the gay vote and promised if elected he would use federal tax dollars to fund Ryan White 100%. After getting this community’s support/vote, he kept his promise, but allowed the plan to write articles that made adult single men ineligible- in other words he made sure neither Ryan White nor ADAP helped gay men.
A: Should ask Hillary of her opinion?
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