What does someone being in water symbolize in a dream

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To see water in your dream, symbolizes your unconscious and your emotional state of mind. Thank you for asking ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-someone-being-in-water-symbolize-in-a-dream ]
More Answers to “What does someone being in water symbolize in a dream
What does someone being in water symbolize in a dream
To see water in your dream, symbolizes your unconscious and your emotional state of mind. Thank you for asking ChaCha!

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Q: I have dreams with lakes, oceans, rivers in them and, in the dreams, the water always frightens me….what does it symbolize? Yes (in reality) I do know how to swim and I am a good swimmer.P.S. I have read the Y!A archives on this question and I didnt like the answers, any new ideas?
A: strange the water may symbolise something else. What do you fear maybe your mind mixes what you fear with what you love when you are dreaming so that it appears that you are afraid of water when maybe you are afraid of change since water is always flowing and never sits still.
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A: u long to be a whale//!?but ur living int he wrong town?or maybe u just pee ur pants alot???? do u have webbed feet???
What do fish and an aquarium symbolize in my dream?
Q: I’m 16 and I have strange dreams.With that being said, my dream consisted of me being in this huge room. It was full of water(dirty) and there were fish around me. That was the whole emphasis of my dream, just me swimming around in dirty water with fish I was afraid of.I heard fish mean fertility or Christianity, but any other meanings aside from those you know of? Thanks 🙂
A: Your brain is bringing up the subject of fear for your observation. The fact that you merely mention being afraid of them in the last section of the paragraph may signify that this fear is not something that is overly evident in life but just showing itself as that which stands out among other types of emotion. It could have something to do with an experience with fish or an aquarium that was rather abrupt or “outstanding” and the incident left a lasting impression on you.Throw out christianity- it means nothing in this dream because it’s an outside entity’s attempt to rationalize common dreams and put them in a box. Your dreams are unique to you and you would never consider yourself as being “labeled” anything, much less being a part of a crowd. That being said, consider everything around the subject of fish instead of just the fish.How did you feel while you were swimming around? Did you notice yourself breathing underwater? Were you actually underwater?The fact that you noticed the water was dirty signifies to me that you have a slight awareness about you when it comes to cleanliness. This means you don’t obsess over it, but you rather pay attention to it.Were the fish larger/smaller than you? Did they have teeth/appear visually intimidating? Were they acting to intimidate you or were you just swimming around with fish that were acting indifferent towards you being in the water with them?Outside of this, I can offer no other possibilities as I consider some parameters of the dream to be missing.~~~~~~~~It is my full opinion that to consider things like “fertility” and other non-character possibilities as subjects of a dream would have to be when the person dreaming feels sufficient enough of themselves that they aren’t experiencing any overly evident needs at the moment.To do this is to gather for yourself an ego and become egotistical. Make it to where people might carry a lesser opinion of you but only because you “rise above them” and don’t deserve that opinion. You might not understand this paragraph- who’s to say- but just consider being your own best friend.
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