What does a low blood pressure mean? And a high one

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High blood pressure increases the risk of developing: heart disease, kidney disease,hardening of the arteries. Low blood MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-a-low-blood-pressure-mean%3F-and-a-high-one ]
More Answers to “What does a low blood pressure mean? And a high one
What does it mean to have low blood pressure one day, and then hi…?
I don’t know what medication she took although I presume it was to treat low blood pressure. It may be too strong for her. If this is the case she’ll have to see her doctor to get the dosage changed. They might even change brands if they th…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What does it mean to have low blood pressure one day, and then high blood pressure the next?
Q: My grandma yesterday had low blood pressure and she looked very pale. We called the ambulance and the only thing they found was she had low blood pressure. This morning her blood pressure was okay, but now her blood pressure is high. Last night she did take medication though.What does this mean?
A: I don’t know what medication she took although I presume it was to treat low blood pressure. It may be too strong for her. If this is the case she’ll have to see her doctor to get the dosage changed. They might even change brands if they think it more suitable.Also I know from my own experience that my blood pressure drops significantly if I haven’t had anything (or enough) to eat or drink for a while.
High Blood Pressure, Low Sodium Levels, High Potassium Levels – What does it mean?
Q: About 2 yrs ago I started with high blood pressure, then earlier this year I developed low sodium levels and now my potassium level is rising. I am tired all the time, and when I do the least amount of exercise I suffer joint and mussel pain for weeks after. What could this be a early sign of? I do have FM (fibromyalgia) and take neurontin. I also suffer from back problems and am in morphine for that.
A: Have you traded in your table salt for LiteSalt. The salt substitutes are high in potassium. The rest of your symptoms are attributable to your Fibromyalgia diagnosis.
What does it mean when your blood pressure is low, goes high then low again?
Q: What does it mean if this happens when getting blood pressure tested at the doctors? And why would you get an injection in the finger for?thanks.
A: Did they inject something into the finger or just stick it to get a bit of blood? I’m thinking they got a blood sample to check your cholesterol. As far as your blood pressure, if your blood pressure is taken several times in a row it is not unusual for it to be low then high then low again. You should never take a blood pressure over and over without waiting for some time to pass in between the readings. You can take it once and wait for a few hours and take it again and take it again a few hours later but your pressure changes throughout the day so you would always get a different number when you take it. To get a true reading take it once every day and see if it is high most of the time or low most of the time but be sure you are relaxed and have not been doing chores, shopping, etc. You need to take it while you are just resting and both feet should be on the floor.
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