What do tonsil stones look like

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What do tonsil stones look like”,you can compare them.

Tonsil Stones are irregularly shaped, whitish/yellow, foul-smelling globs of mucous and bacteria that get caught in back of throat [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-do-tonsil-stones-look-like ]
More Answers to “What do tonsil stones look like
Not all tonsil stones can be seen as they can hid within the tonsil folds. If you are able to see them they normally are just a while lump and can be various sizes. These stone can make if hard or painful to swallow and you should seek medi…
Tonsil Stones are irregularly shaped, whitish/yellow, foul-smelling globs of mucous and bacteria that get caught in back of throat
Tonsil stones are yellow or whitish irregular shaped object which is commonly found inside the small pockets of the tonsil.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

I am a singer with tonsil stones, do I need to get them removed?
Q: I have been getting really bad sore throats and I am guessing that it is from the tonsil stones. It looks like the pockets are full but when I press on them they only peak out of the top and I am too scared to pull them out myself. I cough them up every now and again but I don’t think that is enough. I was thinking of getting a laser tonsillectomy.
A: well you are either gonna have to get them out on your own or leave them in there cuz a dr is not going to see you just to pick them out. if you get them a lot and they are very bothersome get your tonsils out all together.
What does a tonsil stone look like?
A: It looks like a little white pebble or a piece of cottage cheese and SMELLS horrible.
what to do if i have tonsil stones please help me. It feel like i have somethind in my throat is it really?
Q: is tonsil stone i looked in my mouth and i do see two of them one of them is a little bigger the the right side what can i do.
A: see your Primary Care Physician or a ENT MD
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