What do guys need to cure yeast infections

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Diflucan and nizoral are drugs used to cure male yeast infections. A home remedy is to put 2 drops of white vinegar in a cream. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-do-guys-need-to-cure-yeast-infections ]
More Answers to “What do guys need to cure yeast infections
How do you cure a guys yeast infection?
That is balantis. http://www.doctorgoodskin.com/ds/balanit… Balanitis is an infection of the head of the penis. It is also called balanoposthitis. In this condition, the foreskin and head of the penis get inflamed. It happens mainly because…
Can a guy get a yeast infection from unprotected sex with a girl?…?
You cure it with the same medicine you use for jock itch. Use it twice a day for at least seven days. If you have it, your partner does too; both of you should be treated. Make sure or you’ll spread it back and forth! Use condoms until you …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

how do you cure a guys yeast infection?
A: plain unflavored yogurt from the supermarket. If I am wrong i will give you$100
I think I have a yeast infection, what are some cures?
Q: Im a 21 year old guy who thinks he has a yeast infection. My gf recently had it and we had sex the day she realized she had had it. Now its been a week and I barely got this rash under my penis, it burns. Im asking what are some cures to cure yeast infections for guys? Can I use vagisil?
A: It’s possible for a man to contract a genital yeast infection if he has unprotected sexual intercourse with a partner who has a genital yeast infection. However, just because your girlfriend has a yeast infection doesn’t mean you will get one too. Sexual transmission of yeast infections is uncommon. Many people are under the impression that only women get genital yeast infections, but men get them too. Prolonged antibiotic use increases the risk of a yeast infection. Also, men with diabetes or impaired immune systems, such as those with HIV, are more susceptible to yeast infections. Signs and symptoms of a male yeast infection include a reddish rash, itching or burning at the tip of the penis. Fortunately, most male yeast infections are easily treated with an over-the-counter antifungal treatment, such as Monistat (yes, men can use it too). Apply the medication directly to the affected skin twice daily for a week. If the rash doesn’t go away, or if it recurs frequently, consult your doctor. If you and your partner have symptoms of genital yeast infection, it’s important that you both be treated. Otherwise, you may keep reinfecting each other. Also, it’s generally recommended that you refrain from sexual contact until all signs and symptoms of the infection are gone.
Is there a real cure for yeast infections?
Q: I have had yeast infections and it has been recurring. It bothers me a lot that despite doctor’s prescriptions, it’s still there and it has definitely affected me a lot. I also found this claim on the internet saying that she has found the perfect cure. I am doubtful even if they say that there’s no harm in trying and besides I don’t have enough money to purchase her book on how to cure it. Help! Please. If you guys can help out and if anyone out there knows what cure Sarah Summer is talking about. Thanks very much. Moreover, I know that there are lots of women out there infected by it. So, please, help out. Thanks so much!
A: IDK about that but I heard that supposedly if you eat lots of yougurts it will make them go away and help keep them away because yogurt contains “Live Active Cultures” or something like that! Sorry I hope this helps and that you find the cure 🙂
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