What causes sweaty feet

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “What causes sweaty feet”,you can compare them.

There are 250,000 sweat glands in each foot, producing half a pint of moisture per day. Excess sweating, hyperhidrosis, MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-sweaty-feet ]
More Answers to “What causes sweaty feet
What causes sweaty feet?
Excessive perspiration on the sole of the foot and between the toes ( hyperhydrosis ) is a common problem. In some cases it is related to mental stress and nervousness, especially in adolescents and young adults. Systemic diseases such as a…
Do sheer nylon socks cause sweaty feet?
Well this is a good question. Some say yes, some say no. Personally my feet sweaty in any socks, nylon or cotton. I think what makes the difference is that cotton absorbs more of the moisture from the foot whereby nylon or rayon absorb less…
What causes Sweaty Feet or so called Hyperhydrosis ?
Hyperhydrosis is a condition in which the sweat glands are over productive resulting in excessive perspiration. This condition is most common in adolescents and young adults. Each of us has a set point for our metabolism. This set point is …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what causes sweaty feet and palms?
Q: my feet and hands sweat all day, and then stop when i am sleeping. i know about hyperhidrosis, but could it be something else besides that? i am not nervous all of the time, but i am a lot. is it caused by stress? because i dont think that would make my feet sweat…also when it is freezing in my house i still sweat!
A: Some people said it’s hereditary but I never recall anyone having this problem in the family. Based on my experience (I had it since kindergarten), stress only made it even worse. Normally, I would just sweat for no reason. I had a surgery last year (after having it almost 25 years) and my palms don’t get sweaty anymore.
what causes sweaty feet and hands in babies?
Q: my baby is now 3mths old and her hands and feet sweats so bad that i have to change her sock every so often and it gets even worst when she gets upset
A: Your baby should not have any hands and feet inside of it.See you doctor immediately!
toddler sweaty feet causing blisters need help?
Q: My 3 year old has sweaty feet. They cause his feet to be itchy. I try to keep powder on them, in his socks, etc but then they get dry and blister. Mainly this happens between his toes and I can seem to stop the cycle of sweaty, itchy, dry, pain. They hurt and crack. Does anyone know a remedy or product that I can use for him? Thank you so much!
A: Take the shoes and socks off him. My podiatrist or foot doctor told me that as long as he is not walking on something dangerous, it is better for him barefooted. It was a common disagreement with my mom, I’m for no shoes, so I went to see a specialist. He agreed with all my reasons. Now I see you have better reason.peace………………msspelled
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