What can you do to get rid of a cold sore faster

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You can cover cold sores with a petroleum-based product for faster healing. More questions? ChaCha is here for you 24/7! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-you-do-to-get-rid-of-a-cold-sore-faster ]
More Answers to “What can you do to get rid of a cold sore faster
How can i get rid of a cold sore faster?
Purchase some Tea Tree Oil. This is a very soothing natural remedy. It has antibacterial and drying properties.
What is the fastest way to get rid of a cold sore?
You can cover cold sores with a protective petroleum based product. This way it will heal faster and it will be protected from further infection. You should use over the counter painkillers like aspirin or ibuprofen, they can help since the…
How One Can Get Rid Of Cold Sores Faster?
It is important to know that what cold sores are? Then only one can get rid of cold sores fast. Cold sores are painful infections and which mostly attack nerves and skin. It look like chicken pox but there is similarities between the. Cold…

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how can i get rid of a cold sore faster?
Q: i got a monster cold sore on my bottom lip.ive used abreva for my past ones…doesnt work.i took 3 L-LYSINEs today. (throughout the day)its yellowish white and HUGE!!!tips plz?http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm163/aerogurly/0129092240-1.jpgsee it.it doesnt look as big as it is though.
A: Purchase some Tea Tree Oil. This is a very soothing natural remedy. It has antibacterial and drying properties.
How do you get rid of a cold sore fast?
Q: I want to know how to get rid of a cold sore fast not using products? ex. toothpaste lemon juice ect.
A: To get rid of Cold Sores the first and foremost things you should avoid is don’t touch cold sores-Avoid touching, scratching, and rubbing cold sores as much as possible. Next, Clean a cold sore using a washcloth and hot, soapy water.Cover cold sores with a petroleum-based product for faster healing.For cold sores medication visit http://medication.herpes-simplex-treatment.com/
How can i get rid of a cold sore fast?
Q: I have this cold sore that just keeps coming back. It will stay for like a week then go away for like a month and come back again. Is there anyway to get rid of it before christmas? Please help.
A: Treatment Of Cold SoresAnti-viral medication is prescribed to reduce the severity of the outbreak and the duration of the outbreak. If pain is present, any OTC painkiller may be taken. Warm or cold compresses can be used to ease the pain of the sores. http://www.doctorgoodskin.com/ds/coldsores/treatment.php
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