What are the Ocella pills for

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This medicine is progesterone and estrogen combination contraceptive pill used to prevent pregnancy. Thanks for using ChaCha. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-ocella-pills-for ]
More Answers to “What are the Ocella pills for
Will I get pregnant if I skip some white ocella pills to take yel…?
Yes,I mean because my friend she did that and she ended up pregnant.So I would wait till you finished the Ocella pills then go talk to you doctor about switching the yellow pills because just switching right away might lead to something dan…
How And Why YAZ, Yasmin, And Ocella Pills Might Cause A Higher Ra…?
Although all hormonal birth control options are associated with some health risks, the oral contraceptive pills YAZ, Yasmin, and Ocella have the distinction of being associated with a possible higher rate of blood clots. In turn, blood clot…
When does ocella birth control pills start working?
You’re suppose to start the pack the Sunday after your period starts so that you’re on a normal cycle. If she’s been taking Yasmin and just got the generic (ocella) she should be good to go when she starts the pack just like before. I take …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Will I get pregnant if I skip some white ocella pills to take yellow?
Q: I’ve been on my ocella birth control pills for almost a month now; I have three white pills left from the week that I’m supposed to get my period, however, I want to shorten my period and take one of the yellow pills from my new pack tonight when i should be taking one of the last white ones. Will skipping to the yellow pill increase my chance of getting pregnant if I have sex soon after doing so?
A: Yes,I mean because my friend she did that and she ended up pregnant.So I would wait till you finished the Ocella pills then go talk to you doctor about switching the yellow pills because just switching right away might lead to something dangerous.
when does ocella birth control pills start working?
Q: my girl is gonna start taking ocella birth control pills tomorrow but she not on her period can she still take them. how long does it take for them to start working, thanks
A: You’re suppose to start the pack the Sunday after your period starts so that you’re on a normal cycle. If she’s been taking Yasmin and just got the generic (ocella) she should be good to go when she starts the pack just like before. I take ocella and have had no problems with it. Tell her to be be sure to read over the little packet insert on the inside of the box (it tells you what to do if you miss a pill or anything like that) and be sure to take the pill at the same time everyday.
Has anyone had any side effects on Ocella birth control pills?
Q: I have heard a lot of people saying that they get nauseous, bad acne, mood swings, bloating, and weight gain on Ocella.
A: I haven’t taken Ocella personally, but the following link has reviews/comments by people who have used it. (Just a note Ocella has the same ingredients as Yasmin and Yaz).Hope it helps.http://www.drugs.com/comments/drospirenone-ethinyl-estradiol/
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