What are the effects if mdma

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The most common subjective effects reported by users include: euphoria, decreased hostility and insecurity, increased feelings of intimacy with others, feelings of empathy towards others, ability to discuss anxiety-provoking topics with more? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-effects-if-mdma ]
More Answers to “What are the effects if mdma
Among the possible short-term effects, regardless of your health, are hyperthermia (heat stroke), dehydration, and serotonin syndrome, all of which are potentially fatal. Long-term effects are generally less known, but are likely to include…
MDMA has become a popular drug, in part because of the positive effects that a person experiences within an hour or so after taking a single dose. Those effects include feelings of mental stimulation, emotional warmth, empathy toward others…
Depending on how much and how recently one has eaten, MDMA generally takes 30-60 minutes (although sometimes as long as 2 hours) to take effect. Unlike with many other psycho actives, the onset of MDMA is very quick. Often at the point one …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Are piperazines worse than mdma? what kind of effects on the brain and body come with piperazine?
Q: i have looked on the internet and i cant really find much about it. i just want to know if piperazines are worse for your brain or body than mdma is? i know what kind of effects mdma has on your brain and body but what about piperazine? like does it cause brain damage at all, is it neurotoxic? just any information on how piperazine effects the human brain and body?
A: The term “piperazine” can be used to describe a large array of chemical compounds. The 2 most common piperazines used as MDMA substitutes are BZP(Benzylpiperazine) and TMFPP(3-Trifluoromethylphenylpiperazine). While the long term health effects of piperazines have not been studied their method of action is similar to that of amphetamines and MDMA, so it is a safe bet to say they would be similar to those substances. While long term effects can only be speculated it has been proven that BZP along with TMFPP can cause seizures when taken at recreational dosages by perfectly healthy people. As with MDMA these piperazines will leave you with a headache and a bad mood for a day or two after they are taken.While MDMA and BZP/TMFPP have similar methods of action and are marketed as an alternative to MDMA, piperazines are not an MDMA substitute. Their effects are more accurately described as the combination of a very very low dose of mescaline or LSD and amphetamine. Users report the effects to be less intense/desirable as those of MDMA, with short term side-effects that are similar if not worse. This explains why, despite it’s illegality, MDMA is still considered superior to piperazines by almost all psychonauts.
What are the permanent psychological effects of MDMA or Ecstasy(drug)?
Q: What are the PERMANENT psychological effects of MDMA or Ecstasy? I know it’s illegal and all that stuff. I’m only asking so I can proceed with my research essay. Thanks in advance!
A: omg.. the answer above is ridiculous and totally biased! You won’t die from mdma, unless you don’t drink water and keep yourself hydrated when you use it. It’s just like any drug. You have to use it responsibly. It would be like saying drinking alcohol, and saying it’s “permanent affects are death”.I’ve done a lot of research about mdma and many of the side effects that I’ve read about is panic attacks. Many years later people suffer from panic attacks even though they quit using. BUT, this is because of taking too much (multiple ecstasy binges with very little time in between each dosing). When you take ecstasy it depletes your serotonin tremendously. That is why many times you feel depressed for a few days after taking it. When you use the drug too often, you are depleting your serotonin levels by so much that you end up damaging your brain and permanently reduce the amount of serotonin in your brain.If used responsibly you can use mdma safely. It is not physically addictive and is ok if used every once in a while. It was first used in marriage therapy and for veterans in wars that suffered from PTSD. What ecstasy does, make you feel very open and loving toward everyone. Making it very useful for counseling. Also it can bring love back in your life.
what are the effects of taking MDMA once?
Q: I am curious of the long-term effects (if any) of taking MDMA just once. The reason I am asking is because I’ve heard that MDMA is the chemical component in Ectasy, which I’ve heard terrible things of the effects.
A: only once? none.Unless the ecstasy pill contained other things such as speed (meth).ecstasy pills are notorious for being impure though. There is no way to tell what you’re really getting in them.If you want to do it once then get what’s called molly. Molly is just pure MDMA. It’s just ecstasy and nothing else. It’s in powder form so you know what you’re getting.
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