What are names of addictive drugs

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Drugs that are known to cause addiction include caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, barbiturates, benzodiazepines (particularly flunitrazepam, triazolam, temazepam, and nimetazepam), heroin, morphine, cocaine, amphetamine, etc. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-names-of-addictive-drugs ]
More Answers to “What are names of addictive drugs
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A: well narcotics are prolly the most addictive, which pretty much both include Oxycontin and Vicodin, but those aren’t the worst. Prescription drugs are vikes and oxys both have medical value. Inhalants can be addictive like cocain but you have to do it a lot. Caffeine can lead to a bunch of different problems but is more of a psychological dependency than actually addictive to your brain. Tobacco isn’t addictive, people mostly smoke tobacco cigars or chew tobacco for recreational purposes. Depressants are addictive but again you have to do them a lot, used more for medical purposes than for abusive purposes. Behavioral therapists usually prescribe depressants to people with ADHD ADD that sort of thing. Stimulants are basically any kind of drug because if you do anything that is addictive or that alters your state of mind its stimulating your mind. Illicit drugs is a general term for drugs that people sell. Personally Heroin, Meth, and Crack, Ecstasy, and PCP or the worst.
What should the actual names of these games be called?
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A: starcrack (starcraft)po-caffeine-mon (pokemon)
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