Is overdosing a painless way to die

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The vast number of procedures given to a patient in the ER is painful and horrible to watch. The sun will always come out! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is overdosing a painless way to die
Is overdosing a painless way to die
The vast number of procedures given to a patient in the ER is painful and horrible to watch. The sun will always come out!

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A: 1st. Seek the help of a professional. 2nd. Definitely not painless. Instead you wake up choking on your own vomit. Wind up in the emergency room and face stomach pumping.Let’s not talk about possible brain damage. So, it will only make your situation worse.
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A: Hopefully, you are NOT asking this question on behalf of yourself. 1st of all, my answer is NO because if your body shuts down and you don’t just drift asleep, I think that would be painful. If it doesn’t kill you-the long term effects could leave you worse than you think your life is now. If someone finds you and your are rushed to the hospital and they pump your stomach..It’s extremely painful!!!!!!!!! I know this because over 20 years ago, I was stupid and tried to kill myself and my brother found me and called 911. I thought I was taking the less painful way to go and it ended up being very painful when they pumped my stomach all night-not to mention, coming in and out of consciousness, the idiot paramedics kept slamming my hand/wrist in the door and I was too out of it to tell them wtf they were doing and woke up the next day with tubes down my throat-through my nose and my hand/wrist was black and blue and I have no idea how the hell they didn’t break it. I was hospitalized for 2 months-turning 18 in the hospital. I admit, my life growing up still gives me nightmares, but honestly, I realize as bad as things were, it really could have been worse. 5 years later, I had my reason for son!!!!!!!!! If you think your life is so bad, take a walk through Children’s Hospital and see the kids who are fighting for their lives and sadly, it won’t make a difference for many of them. Turn on the news and see how many people who were lucky enough to own a home and they are losing it because they lost their jobs and sadly, many of them are not only killing themselves, but killing their children because they don’t want to leave them behind. Your life is what you make of it!!!!!!!!!!!! You choose to either be a victim or a survivor. I was a victim, but now I am a survivor and I refuse to allow my past to destroy my son’s future!!!!!!!!! If you are asking because you are wanting out, GET HELP!!!!!!!!!!!! There’s no turning back once you do this.
Survey: What is the most painless way to die?
Q: Would alcohol poisoning with a sleeping pill overdose be painless?
A: That would be a good way to go. But I think there would be a little too much spinning near the end. How about this… Try a super large dose of heroin. You feel really fantastic, then drop dead.
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